Chapitre 30

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They quickly decided to switch into two groups, some went to bring the suitcases and the others looking for food. Taehyung was with Jinhyoon, Jin, a tall handsome guy, Jimin, a short one who was with his friend Yoongi, Clara and Minhya.

They talked a little bit about their previous life, all coming from rich families, except Taehyung. The latter didn't talk much about him, feeling a little bit uncomfortable to just be...him. The group although agreed about the madness of the government, didn't understand why their country was led by some few people who just wanted to hold their benefits while the majority was in pain. Youth had always been fiercely opposed to unfairness, even they were from rich families. The group found coconuts on the ground and bananas. They decided to content with it for the moment, but Jin proposed to try to find some seafood as there were a lot of rocks on the beach. And why not to catch some fishes too from the sea. As they came back to the cavern, they picked up some wood for a campfire and dig a hole just in the entrance of the cavern to not be bothered by the smoke.

Soon, the second group came back, bringing the suitcases with them. They were exhausted because of the warmth, the sun brightly shined in the blue sky.

One of the young men, Hoseok was happily smiling as he had found his own suitcase. He briefly explained his grandfather used to take him with him for camping and long walks in the forest or along the sea. As the others looked at him wide eyes, he told them his grandfather was a former military and had all the authorizations and material he needed. That explained what was in his suitcase : a little folding axe, several knives, flask, medicine... This Hoseok was interesting, always smiling and talking like they had always been acquaintance or friends, making instantly the others loved him without having doubt.

So, the coconuts were quickly opened, first with a small hole with which they could drink the freshwater coco, and then with the axe, Hoseok cut the head of the fruit. They had as much coconuts as people, so everyone was trying to tear of the flesh, source of proteins, fibers and vitamins, while bananas would provide them vitamins, fibers and minerals. If they could find some fishes and seafood, it would be perfect.

They ate with appetite, most of them didn't swallow anything since the day before.

Jungkook was looking at Taehyung who sat far from him, as they gathered in circle around the future campfire. He didn't understand why the other was avoiding him like the plague. The young man knew he fucked up when he couldn't but shout at Taehyung earlier. But he was so worried at this moment, he truly panicked when he didn't find the other with them on the beach. And when he saw him coming back from nowhere, his brain just exploded, relieved to see him safe. Jungkook couldn't help but feel rejected, as if they didn't have a story together. It hurt. A lot.

He remembered too his grandpa's words about the side effects, wishing it could be one of it. Maybe. Because he didn't remember Taehyung having mood swings like that. So, he decided to allowed time to his man. 

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