Chapitre 21

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Jungkook didn't answer but rose one eyebrow, not understanding why she could be relieved to see him at home.

The woman seemed to think a lot and chose her words before speaking.

-you need to go to your grandpa, Kook.

This time, Jungkook frowned, what was wrong with her all of sudden ??

-go to pack your bags ! quick ! just take the essentials and...

-wait wait wait... could you please calm down and give me some explanation ?? why do you want me to go to grandpa ??

-didn't you see outside ??

Jungkook was lost, was his mother completely insane or what ?

His mother grabbed her hair, annoyed by his lack of reaction.

-I know you were sick these past days, but didn't you hear some explosions, didn't you see some smoke from buildings ??

-what are you talking about ? I don't understand anything !!! what explosions ???

-it's an insurrection. Some terrorists are trying to attack the government after the announcement.

Jungkook closed his eyes, things getting more incomprehensible as her explanations.

-what fucking announcement ???? he shouted

-oh my God, where do you live ??? she angrily answered back. It's on all the screens and loudspeakers in the city for God sake !!

-and I didn't see nor hear anything so please, enlighten me !

He could see his mother was on the verge on going berserk, but she managed to hold back.

-ok. To make it short, the government has announced some new...laws. Schools are closed and children sent in camps.

-what ???

-boys and girls separately must join these camps until they get married. As the birthrate has become problematic, each future husband could have several wives because the most important thing to do right now is to procreate, to give birth to as much children as possible. So, each "female", as they called them, must give at least 5 children. The more a woman will have children, the best it will be... and when I say each woman, I talk about each woman old enough to being pregnant, even if it's an eleven child, they fucking don't care about it, all that they want is to "preserve" the nation ! and you know what ??

Jungkook couldn't say a word, stunned about what she had said, but he could see her being more and more angry as her eyes became darker as she revealed the government's plans.

-I was the one who worked on these problems, I was their "expert", I gave them so many observations and propositions, but all what they took on is the idea of to have several children, they fixed it in a way that made all the women in this country some...uterus ! they don't care if they are just children, all they want it's to rise the birthrate at any price !! and you know the funnier ???? I must lead by example !! I am a 47-year-old woman who has to give birth again !!!

She bitterly laughed, shaking her head.

-but they did a favor to me by according to our couple,  I won't have to share him with another women, isn't amazing ???..I am so grateful...

Jungkook didn't know what to say, what to do, the situation was scary.


-go pack your stuffs Jungkook, we don't have time, I don't want you to go in these camps, ever ! so...

-MOM !

-WHAT ???

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