Chapitre 45

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Sorry to be late !

Fear. Angriness. Sorrow.

Those feelings were shared by all the group as they were thrown into different rooms in the military boat. They didn't know were Jungkook and Hobi were taken, no one answered their questions about it, only reward with a death glare...

What scared them much was to be separated, they were a group, a family, but they couldn't either do anything nor been listened : it was like they were transparent, insignificant.

Taehyung ended up with Namjoon, Jin, Shany, Jimin and Yoongi. A dormitory with bunk beds, a small bathroom with toilet and a table with chairs. No window. And the door was locked behind us as soon as the last of them entered the room.

After a moment, Jin came to hug Taehyung, understanding very well his distressed state. He tried to comfort him with soft words while Taehyung was loudly crying in his arms.

How could he believe they could live a happy life like that, far from the cruel world ? far from their country ? Life had always been hard for him; he should have been smarter than that...

The others were sitting on the beds, but didn't share a word. You could see the gears working in Namjoon and Yoongi's brain as Jimin was curling up in bed, eyes shut, not allowing his mind to dare thinking. Shany was silently on a bed too, looking at the ceiling.

When Taehyung showed signs of tiredness, Jin helped him to settle in one of the top beds, and soon, exhausted, he fell asleep. Jin was about to ask a question, and sat beside Namjoon when the lights turned off, engulfing them in darkness. With a sigh, Namjoon softly shook his shoulder, and soon, both were cuddling in the same bed. They were lovers since a while now, and all what they needed right now was to comfort each other...

They didn't know how much time they spent in the dormitory, but food being delivered by a mute guard : a poor breakfast with milk and cereals, as lunch was always the same with eggs or meatballs with rice and kimchi, and dinner with soup and rice.

They tried to walk in a circle in the small room or exercised on the ground. They didn't talk much as they feared to be spied.

As for Jungkook and Hobi, they were in a room like their friends. Hobi tried his best to take care of the wound on his friend's head with the few he had. So, with one of the two towels they had, he softly dabbed it after having washed it before.

After a while, Jungkook woke up, wincing in pain.

-Be careful, your head might spin after such a hit...

Without a word, Jungkook sat, his eyes closed.

-how could they find us ? what was this thing ? How did they know our names ??

Hobi sighed.

-I am sure we had some spy chip somewhere in our neck, behind our ear, I think.

Automatically, Jungkook touched his neck, but stopped when Hobi said he tried before but didn't feel it.

-am I wrong if I say I have the feeling they knew you ? They wanted you...

Hobi sighed again.

-probably... I guess they wanted me. I won't tell you more because I want to protect you, the less you know, the better it will be.

Jungkook stared at his friend, hesitating whether he should or not at him. He decided to respect his friend's decision.

Like their friends, they tried to exercise at first a little, but in the end, they did it most of the time as there wasn't anything else to do.

One day, it was maybe the fourth day they were on board, a guard opened their door and shouted to get out. They did it in silence, hoping to see the others, but didn't. To their surprise, the boat had berthed.

They were told to follow a soldier who showed them jumping in a truck. They quickly sat; and the doors closed. There was a feeble light, but they didn't speak, trying to guess where they were driven to... The drive was long, and it didn't take long before everyone fell asleep.

They woke up when the vehicle stopped, waiting before a soldier opened the doors and asked them to get out.

Once outside, they recognize their city, an old building before their eyes which one day was a museum, but it was a long time ago. The building was known to be used by the government. Sure, they were back home.

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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