Chapitre 25

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-have some trust in my skills, son... whispered the older, patting Jungkook's back.

We will let him five minutes and then, everything will be fine.

But Jungkook couldn't stop crying, for him, Taehyung was irremediably dead now, how could someone survive to this ?

-listen !

Jungkook rose his head and heard some blips.

-its his heart !! we did it ! hurry, get him out !

The younger didn't understand anything but obeyed and soon, Taehyung was on the table.

-put him on the side, he needs to spit the liquid from his lungs.

While Jungkook helped his lover to let the blue oxygen leaving his body, his grandpa ran somewhere in the house. Jungkook hold the other on his side while rubbing his back, Taehyung's hard chokings made him worry even more as it was possible...

He heard some footsteps and soon Taehyung was tuck in a heavy towel.

-dry him, he needs to keep the warmth, it's a side effect of the liquid oxygen.

So Jungkook dried his lover and once the latter stopped choking and spitting, he grabbed him in his arms to bring him in a comfort bed like his papi asked him to do.

With a sigh, he decided to undress his lover because he couldn't let him in his wet clothes. He chose the warmer clothes he had in his backpack and tucked him with them. He didn't forget to conscientiously dry his beautiful hair, and once it was done, he tenderly tucked him in.

It was at night now and Jungkook was sat in the chair, keeping an eye on his lover.

His grandpa had forced him to eat a little, saying he needed strength for the future.

The half empty plate was on a tray on a desk, and Jungkook was lost in his thoughts when Taehyung moved on the bed, suddenly sat up with his big wide eyes opened, his mouth opened with a silent shout.

Jungkook hurried to him, wanting to hug him to give him comfort, but Taehyung while recognizing him screamed and hardly repulsing him, making him fall on the bed, immediately reaching a corner when he felt more secure. That broke Jungkook, seeing the love of his life rejecting him like he was a threat, the fear in Taehyung's eyes killed him softly.

-please, don't be afraid... it was to save you, I swear ! you weren't breathing anymore, almost dead... it was the only solution to save you ! Tae...

But the latter shook his head in denial, his hands on his ears.

-leave me alone he sobbed, leave me alone, please !!!

Jungkook was wagging an internal war, but he thought the right thing to do was to let Taehyung come to his senses even if all he wanted right now was to hug and comfort him.

With a sigh, he said "ok, but please come back to the bed, don't catch a cold, ok ?", and he got out.

Silently crying Taehyung was trying to understand what happened to him. But one image was bolding his mind : Jungkook trying to kill him, his hands on his body pushing him in the bottom, his mind being blurry as seconds passed and finally, the black out.

He believed Jungkook's words, of course it was for saving him, but he couldn't help to have these traumatic images of Jungkook letting him drown, forcing him to swallow more and more of the odd liquid, making his lungs burn and his mind thinking he was dying.

After a while, his sobs stopped and Taehyung felt so exhausted he climbed into his bed with difficulty, and immediately collapsed under the sheets.

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