Chapitre 9

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The young man hid his sobs and quickly wiped his wet cheeks, looking right in front of him, focusing on what to do right now.

Taehyung got out of the bus some minutes later, deciding to walk to clear his fog mind. He couldn't take bus or subway as it would be easy to catch him because of the CCTV footages. So, he walked for hours, hiding his backpack on a bin. He was lacking luck as the rain was pouring since he left the bus, his feet hurting a lot. With a huff he accepted he had no choice but to go to the only safe place he knew...

It had been a long walk until he reached the street where Jungkook's home were.

Hiding behind a beautiful and majestic tree, Taehyung was observing the building's entrance. It was dawn, the sun didn't rise yet and the night almost still there...

He had noticed the large, opened doors and two people, a woman and a man, laughing and talking sheltered in the entrance. He could hear them talking random things. There was a car just near him, with an inscription praising the society "wellclean" to be the best in the city. Looking carefully at the woman, Taehyung noticed her white blouse and a vacuum cleaner beside her. The man seemed really appreciate the woman, constantly rubbing her arms as she complained how much her back hurt after hours of work. She happily smiled when the man proposed his help by catching the vacuum and walked beside her to her car. Taehyung should make the most of it, walked crouching under big bushes near the opened doors. With a last look at the couple, he ran into the entrance. He knew Jungkook lived at the top floor; so he didn't waste time and ran to the stairs : he didn't want to meet some residents who could be a threat for him.

Cursing about the endless stairs, he stopped twice to catch his breath, internally thanking his shoes to have kept his feet dry : he took them off on the big rug in the entrance of the building to be sure to not leave a single track of his passage.

With a relief he was able to walk on the corridor which led to the single door, Jungkook's door.

Feeling suddenly emotional, Taehyung knocked at the door, hoping the other would hear him, but didn't have the time to think much as the door opened. A frowning Jungkook was before him, opening his mouth to say something, but Taehyung didn't let him to do it as he threw himself in the other's arms, sobbing in Jungkook's neck. The latter didn't try to understand what was going on and closed the door before hugging back the crying boy.'s are safe now, mmm? Don't worry about anything, I will take care of you whatever happened to you.

These few comfort words made Taehyung cry louder as he was so relieved to be with the only person he trusted. 

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