Chapter Twenty Two

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*Next day*

"Our Jjongsaeng is leaving! I can't believe it!" "I can't tell if you're happy or sad that I'm leaving." "Ehhh I'm on the sad side." I rolled my eyes at his reply. "You're just sad because I won't be here to cook for you since you can't even boil water." "Actually I DO know how to boil water in your information." "Because I was the one who HELPED you with it." "Are you guys really gonna fight right now-" "Sim Jae Yun don't act like you're no better than Sung Hoon." "Whatever" "Anyways, did Hwaa say anything yet?" I sighed and shook my head.

"Welp, seems like Jay will be single for the rest of his life-Ah! Yah! Why would you slap my head?!" "In glad that I won't need to deal with you." "You're just sad because you wont see my handsome face anymore." "Handsome my foot..."

-End of Jay's P.O.V-

"Bye Jay!" "Bye Won Young and Yu Jin!" "We all cone and visit you!" "Okay! Bye you guys!" Jay then boarded on the plane as his friends watched him fly off across the world. "I'll sure miss him..." "Both of you guys were just arguing 47 minutes ago." "Anyways...Jake, can you drive Yu Jin home please? Sung Hoon and I are going on a date." "Fine.." "Thank You! Bye you two!"

*10 minutes later*

"Hoon! Watch out! You're going to get get us killed!" "Sorry...I was just too mesmerized by your beauty *wink*" "Park Sung Hoon if you don't put your eyes on the road I'm going to break-up with you." "Okay okay I'm sorry."

-Yu Jin's P.O.V-

I was in Jake's car as he was driving me home. All was heard was the radio as one stared in the front of the car and the other stared out the window of the passenger seat. We then arrived at my house and just when I was about to get out of the car, the radio switched to the newscaster.

"Everyone, please stay in a house. There is going to be a heavy storm so please go to a near by shelter and stay there until you are informed. I repeat, go into a shelter." I then looked at Jake silent and unbuckled his seat belt making me get out of the car and headed to my door to unlock it for us.

As soon as we stepped in, rain started pouring everywhere. I shut the door and looked outside. I turned to Jake and saw that he was still wearing his clothes from earlier. "Would you like to change? I have clothes for you.." "Sure" I nodded and went to my room to get men's clothes that I still had from a friend.

-What Jake looked like-

-What Jake looked like-

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" it comfortable?" He then nodded making me feel relief. "Okay...that's good." I then told him where the snacks are and remote. Afterwards, I went to my room to change. I then sat next to him and saw that he was watching a horror movie.

*2 hours later*

We then finished the movie and moved onto a romance movie.

-End of Yu Jin's P.O.V-

-Jake's P.O.V-

As we were watching the romance movie, I saw Yu Jin move closer to me unconsciously. She then stopped moving when our arms touched. I looked at her and did something unexpected. I pulled her closer making her look at me in confusion as I looked at here too. She then came closer to me and kissed my cheek. My eyes widened and she had a light pink tinted on her cheeks.

I put my hand on the back of her neck and kissed her pulling her closer. I then pulled away staring deeply into her confused flustered eyes. She then stood up making me look up to her. "I-I...I'm going to go to b-bed n-now...good n-night..." I didn't know what was happening to me as I turned her TV off and followed her. "W-What-" "Where am I going sleep?" Before she could answer my question, I walked to the room across from her room when I saw that the sign said "guest room" on the door. I closed the door leaving her speechless and confused. After I closed the door, I looked at myself in the mirror wondering why I kissed her and why I am currently smiling about it right now. "An Yu Jin..."

-End of Jake's P.O.V-

-Yu Jin's P.O.V-

I laid on my bed blushing a mess as my mind kept repeating the scene from earlier. Why did he kiss me? Why did I kiss him? I then groan and slowly called asleep not noticing that I was smiling this whole time I was thinking about it. "Sim Jae Yun..."

*3 hours later*

I woke up feeling the worse as I couldn't sleep because of the thunderstorm and wind. I look at the time and saw that it was 02:00 AM. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I poured some water and as I was drinking it, I fell asleep for a second and the glass slipped out of my hand falling to the ground and shattering everywhere. I then twisted my ankle and fell onto the shattered glass making me wince in pain. I immediately covered my mouth when I remembered that Jake was upstairs. "What happened?" My head whipped to the side and I saw Jake standing. "Be cateful..." He finished rubbing his eyes and saw me laying on thousands of glass with blood everywhere. He then sighed and grabbed house sandals to wear. I was shock when he picked me up and bridal carried me to my room. "Where's the med kit?" "In the pantry closet downstairs..."

After a few minutes, he then came back with the med kit. "Hold still" he said as he kneeled down in-front of me and carefully took the glass pieces out of my foot moving to my hands next after finishing my foot. Tears ran down my face as I silently try to not move because of the pain. "Are you okay?" I nodded hesitantly to him and wiped my tears knowing that he wasn't convinced that I was okay. "Is it okay if I sleep with you in the same room?" "W-What?" "I won't do anything, I just need to be near you to treat your wounds every once in awhile." "Oh...okay..." He then laid down on the floor making me feel bad. I cleared my throat not knowing what to say. "Y-You can sleep r-right here..." "It's fine, you'll be uncomfortable." "It's okay...I trust you." He then thought about it for a bit and agreed to my offer silently going under my bed sheets. We the faced away from each other not knowing what's going on with ourselves right now.

-End of Yu Jin's P.O.V-

To be continued...

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