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"I suppose that she is your step-sister?" Jake enquired.

Jiyeon nodded, turning her head to look at the guy beside her.

"I see, you figured it out." She replied chuckling.

"Yeah. Both of you have different surnames." He responded, earning a nod from the girl.

"I used to hate her." Jiyeon suddenly spoke.

"I just recently started to open up with her. Specifically, today." She added.

Jake on the other hand just smiled, trying to tell the girl that he was listening to whatever she wanted to say.

"She kept on approaching me but I kept on pushing her away. I suddenly feel like a bad person." She scoffed at her last words.

"Don't say things like that. Every good thing takes time." Jake responded, attempting to reassure the girl.

Jiyeon just smiled in return, a genuine one, causing the taller guy to smile back.

"Are you gonna take part in the club festival next month?" Jiyeon took her turn to ask.

"Aside from the friendly match, nope. I'm just going to wander around and visit other students' booths." Jake replied.

"What about you?" He asked back.

"They assigned me to be the representative of the baking club." She stated.

"Wow, you're in the baking club?" Jake asked, showing his interest.

"No, no! I'm actually just a passive member. You know, for merit purposes." She explained.

"They kinda chose me to attract people to come to the booth because... they said that... I'm pretty." Her voice gradually lowered, embarrassed with what she was about to say.

Jake just chuckled upon seeing her embarrassed state.

"So, they are trying to attract boys to the booth?" He asked for confirmation.

"You could say that." She replied, rubbing her nape.

"Do they allow any assistance from someone that is not a part of the club?" He suddenly enquired, looking at the girl.

"Hm?" Jiyeon tilted her head, trying to understand the meaning of his question.

"Can I help you? Taking care of the booth?" He asked again, hoping that she understand what he was trying to imply.

"Ohh. They wouldn't mind, I guess." She spoke her thoughts.

Jake just nodded, satisfied by her answers.

He was kinda glad that Jiyeon was not a quick-witted type. Or else she would know that he wasn't actually fond of the idea of her being surrounded by boys other than him.


"Didn't you say that Jake will be accompanying you?" Seoyeon questioned while helping her friend setting up the booth.

"He'll come after his match." Jiyeon replied.

Seoyeon took a look at the surrounding of the school, where everyone was busy with their preparation early in the morning before allowing the public to enter the school area.

"Do you think a lot of people will come?" She then asked her friend who was busy putting up the decorations.

"I think so. My dad said that they are expecting seven thousand of people." Jiyeon replied.

Seoyeon widened her eyes, mouth agape, couldn't believe her ears.

"That's a lot! Goodluck to you and the other booth handlers." She responded.

As hours passed by, more people started to fill in the school compound. Some students were busy entertaining the crowd with their talents and specialities, and some just enjoyed the festival like other visitors.

Jiyeon, on the other hand, quite disappointed that she didn't do much for her club as the passersby kept on asking for her SNS or asking for directions rather than buying their pastries.

"Hi! Do you want to buy our cake?"

"We have muffins and cookies too!"

"Hi would you like to try our milkshake?"

She sighed when she felt that she just wasted her efforts for nothing.

"Do people not interested in pastries?" She thought to herself, sighing.

"Sorry I'm late!" A voice spoke, causing Jiyeon to turn her head to look at the owner of the voice.

"Jake, you're here!" She happily responded. At least she didn't have to be alone anymore, she thought.

"How were you doing?" He questioned upon taking a seat beside her.

"There's not a lot of people wanting to buy the cakes." She replied, slightly pouting.

Jake chuckled, ruffling her hair before getting up from his seat. He then took the banner and stood in front of the booth, attempting to attract customers.

Jiyeon's eyes just followed his every movement in awe.

"He's so handsome!"

Jiyeon widened her eyes when she heard someone said her thoughts out loud.

She quickly searched for the voice only to find a group of girls approaching their booth. To be precise, approaching Jake.

"I'll let you guys take a picture with me if you guys buy one of our pastries." The guy spoke, earning high-pitched squeals from the girls around him.

Jiyeon widened her eyes before making her way towards the crowd in an instant.

"Cannot! Cannot! You can't do that!" She snuck in between Jake and the girls, extending her arms, preventing the girls to get closer to the guy.

"He said that we can?!" The girls protested.

Jiyeon scoffed before turning around to look at the guy behind her who was now a laughing mess.

"Oh, sorry girls. My girl says no." Jake spoke, looking down at the girl who was still standing in front of him with her arms crossed.

The fangirls then left the place while complaining.

"Are you having fun?" Jiyeon sarcastically asked while taking her seat back inside the canopy booth.

Jake still wasn't able to stop his laugh.

"Yeah, your reaction was priceless." He spoke in between his laugh.

Not too long after, a male student with his two other friends came towards the booth.

"Hi, you're really cute. May I ask for your number?" He spoke, eyes focusing on Jiyeon.

Jake just played with his hair while listening to their conversations. He had his back leaning on the chair with his legs spread. He was pretty confident that Jiyeon would not give her number as she was not the type to do that.

"Would you buy our pastries if I give you my number?"

Jake got up from his seat in a split of second, standing beside Jiyeon, facing the three male students.

"We do not do that here." He spoke without an expression from his face. The girl just looked at him with her eyebrows raised.

The students just left with disappointed looks on their faces.

"Why did you do that? I was serious, though? I'm kinda desperate that we still have a lot of food left. And it's not that I'm going to response to their texts or calls." Jiyeon blabbered at the guy in a sulky tone.

Jake gritted his teeth before grabbing the plastic bags.

"I'll buy all of this. Just don't do something like that anymore."


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Love, Nia♡

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