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"Isn't he handsome?!" Seoyeon asked her friend, repeatedly hitting her on her arm.

Jiyeon raised her eyebrows, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, flower boy type." Jiyeon commented upon seeing a photo of a guy around her age on Seoyeon's phone screen.

"But I still think that Sunghoon looks better with you." She expressed her opinion out of the blue, causing her friend to furrow her eyebrows.

"I told you, Jiyeon. I didn't see him that way, he didn't see me that way. There's no use of you trying to matchmake us." Seoyeon spoke in a sulky tone as she took back her phone from her friend's hand before leaning her back against the cafe's cushion.

Jiyeon just let out a chuckle before side-hugging her sulking friend.

"Alright, alright. He's handsome, I admit it." She spoke, knowing that her friend was anticipating her to say something like that.

"Ahh right!" Seoyeon freed herself from the hug as she was about to say something.

"There's a newly opened cat cafe near my university. I was waiting for you to return to Korea because I wanted to go with you." She spoke, looking at her friend.

"Really? Why haven't I heard anything about it?" Jiyeon questioned.

"I've only heard about it because it was opened near my university. Otherwise, I also wouldn't know about it." Seoyeon replied.

"There must be a lot of visitors coming from your university then." Jiyeon remarked while stirring her matcha drink.

"That could happen." Seoyeon responded, shrugging her shoulders.


"We've been eating samgyeopsal for a week straight, Sunghoon! Let's eat something else." Jake complained.

"Just order something else from that stall. I want to eat samgyeopsal." Sunghoon replied.

"That's not the problem! Let's just go to another restaurant." Jake responded, sighing.

"I should've invited Seoyeon for lunch. If only she didn't go out with Jiye-" Sunghoon bit his lips, preventing himself to finish his words as he just recalled that there was something that his friend wasn't supposed to know.

"Yeah, just go to that Seoyeon of yours- What did you say?!" Jake furrowed his eyebrows when he believed that he heard something odd coming out from his friend's mouth.

"What did I say?" Sunghoon asked back, pretending like nothing happened.

"You mentioned Jiyeon, right? Don't lie to me, I clearly heard it." Jake tried to get his friend to tell the truth.

Sunghoon just sighed in return, knowing that he just got himself into a trouble.

"Yeah, yeah. I said Jiyeon. Seoyeon is going out with Jiyeon today." He replied half-heartedly.

"She's back in Korea?" Jake questioned his friend, earning a nod from the latter.

"She arrived here last week." Sunghoon responded.

"And you didn't tell me?" Jake scoffed in disbelief.

"I was about to! When Seoyeon told me to fetch Jiyeon from the airport, I was so close to text you, but Seoyeon threatened me not to tell you!" Sunghoon defended himself.

"But what's the point of telling you, though? It's not like Jiyeon wants to see you." Sunghoon questioned.

"Right. Of course she doesn't want to see me." Jake ran his fingers through his hair before sighing.

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