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Jake turned around to face the girl upon hearing his name being called.

"Do you want to date me?" Jiyeon suddenly asked, biting her lips while playing with her fingers, anxious to wait for his response.

The guy raised his eyebrows, taken aback with her sudden question before his lips broke into a smile.

"I would love to." He replied.

The two persons in love was now facing each other, exchanging glances while giving each other their comforting smiles. The dimmed light under the lamp post acting like an unpaid actor, making the night more memorable for the two of them.


Present time~

22 years old Jiyeon stared into space, reminiscing the bitter sweet memories she had with her past lover. 4 years had passed since the incident. She no longer felt like shedding a tear.

She broke down enough in the past few years, wouldn't it be too much if she was still thinking about it?

She remembered her 18 years old self begging the guy she loved to get back with her over three times.

She remembered crying in front him, not caring about how miserable she looked in front of him when he didn't give a single fck about it.

She remembered promising to the guy to change herself when he said that she was not the person he searched for a partner 11 months after becoming a couple.

Jiyeon sighed, closing her eyes.

"Young love is so stupid." She muttered to herself.


Jiyeon raised her head up upon hearing her name being called. She widened her eyes when she suddenly felt that she was held tightly in someone's embrace, almost suffocating her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't fetch you up at the airport." The latter spoke in a muffled tone as the latter's head buried in the girl's neck.

"It's fine Seoyeon, I know you're busy with your classes." Jiyeon reassured, patting her friend's back.

Seoyeon freed herself from the hug before hitting her friend's arm.

"I already told Sunghoon to give you a ride and he was okay with that and then you said you didn't want it!" She blabbered to her friend, causing Jiyeon to let out a chuckle.

"I told you it's fine! I have a driver, Seoyeon." She once again convinced her friend.

Seoyeon then took a look at the surroundings in awe.

"Is this the place you're going to work at? It's really pretty!" She remarked.

"Yeah, but for now I'm just going to work here as a part-timer." Jiyeon replied, looking at her friend.

"I'm going to continue my training for a few more years before becoming a permanent worker." She added.

"You're going to continue your training? Was three years in London not enough? You got into one of the prestigious ballet school in the world, Jiyeon." Seoyeon questioned.

"Three years trainings are not sufficient, Seoyeon. I'm still lacking in some areas." Jiyeon responded while putting on her ballet shoes.

"How are you and Sunghoon?" Jiyeon suddenly asked, causing her friend to raise her eyebrows.

"What's with me and Sunghoon?" She questioned back in a confused manner.

"I saw on SNS that you guys always hanging out together." Jiyeon stated.

Seoyeon just scoffed in return.

"You wanna know why?" She asked her friend in a sarcastic manner.

"It was because he didn't have any other friends in the university that could entertain his nonsense demands!" The girl explained.

"And he always dragged me around, forcing me to go to places with him!" She added.

"You could've said no?" Jiyeon responded with a question.

"I couldn't! He threatened me that he would tell my crush about me liking him if I didn't follow him!" Seoyeon fought back in a frustrated manner while pulling her hair.

"You have a crush and you didn't tell me?!" Jiyeon asked, scoffing, feeling betrayed.

"No, I liked him just recently! 3 months ago? I've always wanted to tell you during our calls! But I forgot." Seoyeon yapped, trying to convince her friend.

"Whatever you say, Seoyeon. You better tell me everything later!" Jiyeon threatened while placing her hands on her waist.

"Roger that!"


Jiyeon entered her room for the first time after 3 years. After arriving in Korea, she right away went to her soon-to-be workplace to settle some documents.

She sunk her body in her bed, taking a look at her room's surrounding.

As she was looking around, her eyes stopped at the mirror of her dressing table. She got up and walked towards the mirror, bending forward to take a closer look at the thing that caught her eyes.

"Why is this thing still here?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes before snatching a polaroid film, tossing it into the drawer.

"Why does everything remind me of him?!" She complained, messing her own hair while stomping out of frustration.

She just sighed, letting her body fell on the floor.

"I hate you Sim Jake! I hate you so so so much!" She muttered to herself, punching and kicking the air.

Jiyeon instantly fixed her posture when she suddenly heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" She spoke to the person behind the door.

"Jiyeon!" Jiyeon was welcomed with a hug from her 18 years old younger sister.

"Hi Gayoung! Long time no see." The elder returned the hug while patting the younger's back in a comforting manner.

"Yeah, I have a lot to share with you!" Gayoung excitedly spoke.

"I thought you've told me everything during our calls while I was away?" Jiyeon questioned.

"Those were not even half of them." The younger replied, causing Jiyeon to chuckle at her giddiness.

"Why are you on the floor?" Gayoung asked upon realising their current state, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I... was sweeping the dust!" Jiyeon replied, trying to find excuse while sheepishly smiling.

Gayoung just nodded, although she was not convinced by the elder's words.

"Alright, I'll be in room. I'll come over tonight as you will be moving out to your own apartment tomorrow." The younger spoke before making her way out of the room.

Upon seeing the door to her room being shut, Jiyeon turned her attention towards her backpacks and luggages that were neatly arranged at the corner of the room, untouched.

She couldn't help but to heave a huge sigh.

"This is going to take long." She complained before grabbing her towel to freshen up herself.


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Love, Nia♡

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