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"Hey what's up?"

I hear screaming on the other side of the phone

"She's in so much pain. Remember when I met you? That kind of pain"

A growl rips through my chest

"I'll ring you back baby"

I hang up and take the key from Lilly's hand and I storm down the hallway to room 107. As I approach I could hear her moan and mumble  as they have sex.

"I said no"

I hear mark say but My anger bubbles up and I swear I nearly implode. I swipe the keycard and walk into the room where Aine is naked on top off mark. Her face falls as she realises what is happening. I grab her hair and rip her off him, throwing her against the wall. A small growl rips through marks chest

"Who are you and why are you touching my mate"

"Mate? That's not your fucking mate mark! That ring on your finger is from marrying your real mate last week. She poisoned you so she could take you from your real mate. The one you love more than life itself. I know because I watched you grow up with each other. I watched her call on Maddox and I watched as he claimed her. We were there when you marked each other and when you moved into your home together. We helped her get ready before walking her down the aisle to her Prince Charming. That was you! Aine had a witch create a fake bond with you so she could hurt your real mate, Ashley. The one who held you when you died after she poisoned you. The one who has cried constantly since the moment you took your last breath the one who's back at the house your staying in for your honeymoon screaming in pain because your fucking someone that is not your mate!"

He froze looking around the room at all the faces that were piled into the room.

"Do you even remember who you are?"

Noah asks him next, he looks to us and back at him pointing at his chest

"Who am I?"

He frowns shaking his head

"No, I don't remember anything"

"I'm your father mark. This is your grandparents and they are your father in laws."

He rubs his head, clearly confused as Lilly steps forward with a pair of shorts he pulls them on and then she touches him and his body goes limp and he falls to the bed. I turn my attention to the naked cowering Aine. I grab clothes and I empty the pockets and I throw them at her. She was wearing a necklace so I snatched it off her chest and I avoided her nakedness. Scott took the rings from her fingers and a bracelet of her ankle. We check for anything else that could be spelled and take it away

"get dressed"

"No kill me now"

I chuckle and shake my head

"Nah, you ain't dying yet. You're dying slowly. Painfully"

Lilly comes over and touches her. She pulls away growling

"You're a real piece of work. Get up and get dressed, you deserve everything you get. What you did was sick. So fucking sick. I even know the witch you threatened you piece of shit"

By now both were like zombies, they followed us out of the hotel like they were hypnotised. No one but us could tell though. They just looked rude ignoring everyone as we surrounded them. I threw Aine in the boot of the car and had Mark sit in the back.

"Did you see his memories?"

"Yes. Maddox knew there was something wrong but Mark took over and blocked him out so I brought back his memories and Maddox pushed forward. He remembers but Mark doesn't. Not yet anyway. We are going to need to wait until the magic is out of his system before I give him his memories again."

The curse of the black lycan Where stories live. Discover now