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Dad jumps out followed by the guards and Mark, Crow follows them so I jump out too only Scott's there shooing me back to the car. I groan rolling my eyes and I return to the car as dad pulls a woman out. It was aines mother but no Aine in sight. I roll my window down so I can hear

"Please no I'm here to warn you please! Please alpha check my thoughts and you will know I'm telling the truth"

"Why should I! After what you helped her do! You almost ruined everything!"

Mark roars but it's not Mark it's Maddox and he sounds like he's about to blow. I jump out of the car and run just as Mark's body starts to shake and tremble. I throw my arms around his waist

"No! Don't kill her, not yet Maddox. Not yet"

He growls, she squeaks as he increases the pressure around her throat where he is holding her off the ground, his body starts to slowly calm down and relax and he looks down at me and nods. He closes his eyes and projects what he sees to me.

I watch as he filters through her memories at full speed, I'm not sure how he can see anything but then suddenly he stops and the memory takes over. Consuming us and making us Apart of it. It's like we become her as she lives through her day.

We are standing in a hotel room, it's clean and fresh and obviously expensive. Aine is pulling on black boots and lacing them up as issy paces in front of her

"You can't do this! You can't take him and pretend you are his! This is wrong on so many fucking levels aine. You know what I'm not going to do this! Fuck this, I already made myself rogue because of you and then you tell me he was right and you weren't actually his damn mate now your trying to force it?"

Aine throws her head back and she laughs. Issy growls at her, Aine scowls, throwing her a look of disdain!

"You have no choice, old woman! If you don't you go rogue and your mate dies! You either help me or leave him to suffer. My people will kill him. Help me take over the pack, first we get mark then I become the Luna! When I'm Luna I kill him and pledge allegiance to the rogue king! If you don't help, Drew dies and his death is on you!"

Issy growls again then she turns and punches a wall! She hates her own daughter. I can feel it burn in her memory. She wants her dead.

Mark flicks through her memories again and it stops when she walks into the hotel hallway and hears a ruckus. Her heart pounds in her chest and a link opens up

If you don't save me they will kill Drew. They are waiting for my call. If I don't ring them alive they kill him!

You stupid stupid girl I told you this wouldn't work now you have damned us all!

Do it or he dies!

The link breaks and she curses under her breath sneaking out of the hallway and back down the stairs where she came from. She gets into a rental car and pulls on a baseball cap and starts the car. She waits and follows Mark back to the house.

"Stupid stupid stupid girl! All because she had a damn crush! I thought we raised her better than this! I thought we taught her fucking values instead she got her fathers damn genes!"

Iah (issy's wolf)
We did raise her better! This is wrong, we should let them kill her!

Not until she makes the call! If she does that we can kill her ourselves

Drew doesn't want us and I don't blame him after helping that bitch! He's better off dead than living with us. In Fact we would be better off dead! We should kill ourselves after what we helped her do. We tried to break a mate bond because of a damn crush! That goes against everything we believe in!

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