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"What happened?"

"They attacked Carly and Carter at the play pack, Carter's wolf came early. Those 11 will be executed and I'm not sure what he's going to do to the rest"

Arden growls ferociously looking over the crowd

"You would attack a CHILD! The future KING! Would you attack my DAUGHTER? The future QUEEN!!!! How dare you! You deserve everything you get, Fay bring Ella inside to Carly please"

She nods walking past me and squeezing my shoulders

"Come Carter, come play with aunty Fay"

He looks her square in the eye

"No, I will stay until they pay for what they did to Carly"

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. It was very shocking to hear him talk like that. She just nods and walks inside. I take his hand but he slaps it away

"The king doesn't hold hands in public"

He mutters. I bite my lip to stop the giggle and I just nod my head and turn my attention back to the crowd

We had a little over 3000 members, take away anyone under 18 and you have roughly 2000. All 2000 were here and present. I could feel marks aura grow the angrier he got. As he checked the last person's head he roared growling. He grabs the man by the throat holding him in the air.

"You would do that to YOUR LUNA"

Mark's body shook and trembled. I could see he was struggling for control but I trusted him. I looked to Carter and he looks up and nods his head

Let the beast free, I'll keep him under control but I think these traitors need to see what they are up against

And just like that a tether snaps, Mark's body slowly explodes, he roars as his body stretches and grows, hair sprouts from his arms and his teeth elongate and explode from his gums. He grows around a foot taller. The crowd gasped and took a step back in fear but they were still under command so they couldn't leave. Arden's eyes widened and he looked at me.

"I'll explain after"

He nods slightly as he watches the beast break free from within mark with a growling roar! The man he has by the throat turns blue as Mark slowly cuts the circulation of blood and oxygen getting to his brain. Then with a flick of his wrist he breaks the man's neck, dropping him in a heap on the ground. He roars at the crowd in front and they tremble in fear. He turns walking to me. I look to Carter and he nods

"Your the remote"

He whispers to me, I look to mark and nod my head in the direction of the line of those to die

"Kill them and make it memorable"

He grunts in response and walks and stands behind the first in line.

"Watch what he does, watch how easy it is for him to kill. Right now I can tell him what to do, but if anything like this morning ever happens again I will release him within the pack and let him have free reign. Remember that the next time you see someone a little different than you"

I nod to mark, he roars in the ear of the first woman, she Pees herself in fear as he takes a nail and uses it to slice her throat open. She drops to the ground gurgling in a pool of her own blood. He walks to the next one. He holds her still slashing her stomach and pulling her guts from her body. I swallow the bile fighting to rise up within my throat as he moves to the next one after dropping her on the step. The next one is a man. He uses his finger to slash down his chest. He grabs his ribs on each side and he pulls them apart, pulling his chest cavity apart. The man screams as he pulls his chest apart. By the time he's finished everyone but me, mum, dads and Carter had gotten sick. Mark comes to my side. I pull on his ripped up shirt so he leans down and I kiss him. He purrs under my touch as I pull back

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