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  He pulls back screwing up his nose and shaking his head
  "No, I don't even play with them. Ella and Carly is here and that's all I need I just wanted to see you"
  I grin kissing his little cheek then I turn him around to look at the trailer
  "Do you know what's in there?"
  "No i'm trying not to look into the future so much"
  I grin, it will actually be a surprise but as they growl I'm not so sure I want to let them out. His face broke out into a huge grin
  "You got me a pack?"
  "Well we all did, I might have got you something else as well, but they are a little grumpy and I'm afraid to let them out"
  He shakes his head rolling his little eyes
  "Just let them go"
  I open the trailer door and they pile out but stop when they see Carter. He growls and they freeze, cowering down. He points to the ground so I set him on his feet as he bares his teeth at the wolves. They whimper and whine but submit.
  "Get in line"
  He commands, pointing to the grass, just as Baylee and caden arrive. They jumped out and Baylee looked more excited than I was. Each wolf stands in line and sits down. She pauses watching them with a grin
  "Well done Carter, now explain to them the rules, why they can't eat people without you telling them to. Why they can't attack and why they can never bite a child"
  He screws up his nose and looks to Baylee
  "What if the kid deserves it"
  Me, mark and caden snort and laugh, dads slam their hands over there mouths to hide the smile as mum zeros her eyes in at him
  She warns and he grumbles something rolling his eyes
  "Fine, no kids ever"
  "They have a pen out the back Carter, I got it built for you"
  Scott tells him he hops over calling the wolves with him, they follow him as mum comes to my side
  "Did he tell you? He always tells you the truth"
  She pouts rolling her eyes I snort and shake my head
  "He tells me the truth because I'm his big sister, he thought I forgot his birthday that's why he was sad"
  Guilt hits her features and she pouts
  "That's my fault, because I didn't want him looking into your future. I told him you might not make it. So he wouldn't see the wolves. Oh this is all my fault I feel awful"
  I wag it off shaking my head and walking towards the house, mark follows me holding an arm out to each side of me hovering like I'm a damn toddler about to fall, I growl slapping his hands away
  "Mark Maddox moon I swear I'll cut those damn hands off if you don't let me walk in peace"
  I glare at him making everyone but jaxon laugh he glares at mark
  "Stop annoying her she's pregnant not dying"
  I chuckle as dad kisses my head
  "Yeah right like you weren't just as bad, I don't care you can try cut my hands off but you would only be punishing yourself"
  Mum and caden snort as dad glares at mark, I facepalm as my cheeks go bright red, dad slaps mark up the back of the head
  "Awch what's that for"
  "For being a pig, come love I'll walk you in"
  Dad said to me putting his arm out for me mark slaps it away growling
  "No because then she will stink off you"
  I growl pushing past them both
  "I don't need either of you to walk 10 damn steps now both of you go fight somewhere else before I skin you both alive"
  I head to the coffee pot filling a cup and heading out the back where Carly and Ella are giggling.
  "So he's not annoyed about the other kids not being here"
  I shake my head at mum as her, Baylee and Fay come to my side
  "Nope, says they wouldn't play with him anyway so why bother having them Here. He's just happy the girls are here"
  "That's all he needs, they and the wolves will be his friend. The girls and him are more powerful than I ever was and even I didn't have friends, they could all feel my power so they stayed away. If I didn't have May and Caden I really wouldn't have had anyone"
  Mum and fay seem to take that in looking at each other
  "It's good they have each other then. We will just make more of an effort to get them together now"
  Fay tells mum, mum smiles brightly at her
  "Yes we can arrange playdates"
  Mum answers her.
  2 months Later..
  Bed bound for the last week and I was just about getting sick of it. Mark came with another plate of food, my ass will be the size of London when I'm done with this pregnancy. I groan sitting up
  "Damn that hurts"
  Mark drops the plate on the bedside table and he comes to my side
  "Bottom of my back,  help me sit forward so you can rub it"
  He chuckles pushing me forward but I squeak when something that feels like a balloon pops inside me and bursts like a water balloon saturating the bed below me.
  "Oh my gosh I think I just peed the bed mark"
  His eyes widen and he pull the blanket back and he laughs at me shaking his head
  "That's not Pee silly that's your waters breaking"
  I froze looking up at him, he was calm, cool and collected. These last few months have been amazing, what surprised me the most was the fact that I had become the crazy irrational one and mark had become the saviour. He hasn't once needed to let beastie out since the war. Oh how the wheels had turned.
  "We are having a baby? Now? Right now? But the baby room is nowhere near finished nothing is done what the fuck!"
  He smirks, scooping me up into his arms, he walks us out of the room kicking the door of the nursery open and walking in. I gasp it was like little prince heaven. Navy blue walls, a cot with a beautiful rocking chair in the corner. Everything looked amazing. Archie moon was written in huge letters on the wall. Everything our little prince would ever need was in here
  "I told you I'd finish it in time, now stop worrying about that and start worrying about pushing him out"
  He lifts me higher, kissing my lips.
  20 minutes later...
  "I'm telling you it's coming doc!"
  "I just checked you Luna, he's not going to be here for hours yet, lay back and relax"
  He walks out of the room and I growl looking at mark whos glaring at the door
  "I'm going to fucking kill himmmmmmaaaassrrgghhhhhh mark he's coming I swearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
  Maddie growls leaving my other side
  "Where are youuuuuuuu goinggggg"
  I shout at her, she had been in our care since her parents died and an amazing help coming to every appointment and helping me in any way she can.
  "To drag that dick back to deliver my nephew"
  She shouts back at me making me chuckle at her angry face. She catches a dude by the arm and yanks him into the room
  "Ehhh yes what's wrong?"
  "Check her she thinks it's coming"
  His eyes widen and he shakes his head
  "I'm not that kind of doctor I can—-"
  "——check her or i'll throw you in a damn dungeon myself"
  She shouts his eyes widen and he lifts the blanket to look but all the colour drains from his face, seeing this maddie looked and she froze gagging
  "Oh holy hell there's a baby sticking out of your vagina get a damn doctor now!!!!"
  She shouts at the doctor who looks like he's about to pass out. He runs from the room and I scream as another contraction hits me and my body starts to push on its own. I scream as what I can only imagine as a water slide shoots out of me with a pop. Suddenly I hear a cry as maddie looks at my cuchee in shock
  "You had you—-"
  "—what's wrong is it stuck"
  She chuckles shaking her head as the doctor runs into the room maddie growls grabbing the scruff of his neck and pushing him towards the bed
  "Congratulations alpha, Luna you have a healthy baby boy"
  He gets to work down there as another weird contraction passes over me and something slides out of me I gag at the feeling but freeze when he lifts this tiny screaming baby into the air
  "I had the baby?"
  "Yes you had the baby"
  "We had a baby"
  Mark shouts, slamming his lips against mine. I moan kissing him back but the cries of my baby make me pull back and push my arms out. I take him crying as I look him over. His eyes were bright blue,
  His hair is blonde. He was my blue eyed baby boy Archie moon, future alpha of the Coby mountain pack the latest in line of the cursed black Lycan lineage.
  The end.. of this series..
  The series follows on in 'the atonement saga' book one is called 'in the heart of darkness' find it on my account xx
      ****please read****
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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