22. Lesson #5: Adding & Subtracting

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All credit to BlackLynx17 on fanfiction.net


Here is today's useless fact.

Bet you didn't know that a dime has 118 ridges around the edge.


Bet You Didn't Know


Lesson Number 5: Adding And Subtracting


"Good morning Natsu!" Lucy cheered.

Natsu just scowled and placed his head down on the trunk, trying to block out his annoying teacher's voice. He was able to block out the voice, but he couldn't block out the pain of being hit by her pointer stick.

"I said, GOOD MORNING NATSUUU!" Lucy yelled.

Natsu leaned back up and rubbed his head, already feeling a bruise forming on top of it.

"Morning." He mumbled/growled at her.

Lucy returned to her happy face and placed her book on the trunk, along with a pencil and eraser.

"Today we'll be learning math, addition and subtraction for today but if you get the hang of it then we'll move onto multiplication and division, though I highly doubt that part." Lucy mumbled the last part to herself.

"Whatever, let's just get on with this." Natsu sighed.

Lucy raised an eyebrow. She was expecting him to be either fired up about finishing this so he could hurry up and train or complain about having to learn this nonsense and argue with her. Natsu was just lifeless though and stared blankly at the notebook with the pencil balancing on his upper lip.

"Alright Natsu, let's start with addition. It's the easiest." She said leaning down near him.

"Whatever." Natsu sighed.

Lucy pouted opening the notebook, turning the pages until a familiar sign came up.

"This right here is called a plus sign. A plus sign is two lines running across each other, it means adding. If a plus sign is between two numbers then that means you add the numbers together." Lucy lectured.

"Add them?" Natsu repeated.

Lucy nodded, "that's right. See! I have one finger up on my left hand and one finger up on my right." She said showing him the example.

"Now if I add these together," Lucy said putting her hands together, "then I end up with two!" She finished holding one hand up with two fingers.

Natsu's eyes widened in awe, "do it again!" He said.

Lucy raised an eyebrow, "what again?"

"The adding!" Natsu cheered.

"The one plus one is two?" Lucy asked.

"No, that's not it! With your fingers!" Natsu said.

Lucy blinked and held up both hands with one finger up, she put her hands together and put one finger down and another finger up. Natsu's eyes widened and he started laughing. Putting his own hands up, he repeated after Lucy only faster though.

"This is so cool!" He said.

"NATSU! PAY ATTENTION!" Lucy screamed.

Natsu did it one more time before looking back at her with a smirk. Idiot, Lucy thought shaking her head.

"Adding is just counting two numbers, if I told you to add five and five together you would start at five then count five more." Lucy said.

Natsu looked at his hands, he held five fingers up. "One, two, three, four, five. It's ten!" He said holding up ten fingers.

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