Chapter 4

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Day One:

In the morning, Lucy woke up to the smell of breakfast. She walked out to see her parents setting the table. "Morning Lucy, how are you?" Luna asked, "Morning, I'm good." They all sit and eat dinner, when there was a knock at the door. Wade opens the door, "Hi Genny, what brings you here?" "I heard that they found your daughter and Tim asked me to help her with control." Wade lets her in and told Lucy, "Luce, this is Genny, Tim's sister." "Hi," Lucy says shyly. "Hi Lucy, when you're ready I have somewhere I would like to take you to help." Lucy nods.

Genny and Lucy are walking to a peaceful garden. "So, you have only had your wolf for a few months, right?" "Yeah, due to my low nutrients intake my wolf came out later than others." "Oh, I'm so sorry. This was the way that helped me through that, was mediation. Let's do some mediation." The girls do different styles of mediation, they are at that for most of the day.

Genny and Lucy transformed, Genny taught Lucy how to understand wolf's language. Lucy and Genny mediated in their wolf form. They transform back to human form, Lucy was feeling so much more relaxed and in touch with her wolf. "Thank you Genny, for the whole day. I feel so much better." "That's good to hear, I'm glad that I could help you. You can come here anytime you need to and feel free to come see me if you need to talk to someone." "Okay, see you later."

Lucy's pov:

Genny is so nice. Today was amazing, being able to relax and focus on connecting with my wolf was exactly what I needed. She even sat down with me and helped me learn our language which was perfect, because not being able to understand anyone was so hard to work out what they like. I feel less on edge than I did a few hours ago, but the lingering thought that I'm mated to Tim was scary. I'm not his type and there's no way that he would even go for someone like me I just don't know how to go about it. I want to stay but knowing I can never have Tim is to hard to face, I know that's a future that I'll never have. I'm going to be an unmated wolf because no one will ever want me because how ugly and fat I look, also that I'm so useless. But my parents are here, I can't leave them again that'll break them and me. I'm so tore, at lease I have the rest of the week.

Tim's pov:

This whole mate thing is really annoying, I can feel her emotions and they are all over the place. They are mainly sad emotions such as fear, alone, unwanted, overwhelmed and scared. I have felt a few other emotions such as joy, peace and safety. I don't know if my mate is in my pack or from another pack. I know some alphas are scrutinising over the fact that I'm an alpha without his luna. I will admit, I get very lonely ... I mean my friends and family are great but to have that special someone would be nice. I have always planned how I would treat my luna. I would; take care of her, show her love, allow her to be heard, I want her to take control when she's comfortable and I just want a nice luna. My exes in the past have all been different but none of them catch my attention and I didn't feel the spark that you would feel. But that is getting put aside, other than leading my pack, I want to be there for Lucy and help her out with settling in if she accepts it. There's something different about her than other wolves I know, she more shut off and doesn't really say much unless you ask her questions. I'm happy that the Grey's got their daughter back after all this time.

Lucy is walking back to the Grey's went she accidentally bumped into someone. "Hey, watch where you're going," a teen yelled at Lucy. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I'll be out of your way now." "Wait, you're new. Who are you?" Lucy stood there and spoke, "I'm Lucy, what about you?" "I'm Tamara. You're the one Tim wanted to introduce me to." Lucy didn't really look at her much. "Again, I'm sorry. I'll be out of your fur now." Lucy started walking away. "Lucy, wait a minute. I'm not mad about you bumping into me, why don't we go down to the lake?" "Okay, as long as you're okay with it." Tamara nods, they walk down to the lake.

"Tim told me he found you during one of his hunts." "Yeah, when I was seven my parents were killed. The alpha kept me but then a few years later, due to moving he left me behind. I was all alone, not knowing how to defend myself so I curled up under a tree. When Tim found me, I lashed out at him but after a few minutes I settled down and came back with him. I have been here ever since." "I'm so sorry that happened to you." Tamara smiled at Lucy. "Why is someone as gorgeous as you unmated?" Lucy looked out to the lake before responding. "No one wants me. No one ever paid attention to me. And I know who my soulmate is, but I can't have him as I'm not good enough for him or anyone for that matter. I'll just be unmated for my life." "What? You know who your soulmate is, can you tell me? You'll be perfect for the man, he'll be lucky." Lucy looked at Tamara. "Not my mate, I'll never be perfect for him and I just have to accept my fate, understanding that it'll never happen." "I'm sure if he knew how great you are he'll would love you. Anyways let's just sit her and relax or talk to get to know each other.

Lucy and Tamara were talking about everything and they were bonding. They made their way back to the village to find Tim with the Grey's. "Hey, I see you two have met. How was your day Lucy?" Tim asked. "It was good, Genny and I mediated for hours then Tamara and I were talking, getting to know each other." "Sounds fun, I'm here to ask if you want to go on a hunt together, I understand if you don't want to." Lucy looked at him, his demeanour changed slightly when he said that. Lucy was comfortable with learning from him, she wants to get to know him a bit better. "Yeah sure, you can teach me some more tactics and skills."

Tim and Lucy went out together on a hunt, Tim was allowing Lucy to take the lead and guide her through it. Lucy was proud of herself but she still didn't eat, she allowed Tim to eat because of his status. Tim nudges Lucy back to the hunt to eat. After they are finished, Tim takes Lucy to a quiet part of the forest. "This place is so pretty." "Yeah, this is where I go to think or if I want some peace. You know that when we're on a hunt, you're allowed to eat. You don't have to stay away." Lucy looked at Tim, "but you're the leader, you're the -" "Doesn't matter, I allow my pack to eat straight away. I might be the leader but I'm not going to force my pack to wait while I eat, that's just not fair and besides our hunts always feed the others." Lucy looked around at the area, "you know I have heard things about you while being at the former pack." "I hope they were good things." "He said that you're a good alpha, have different ways to do things. I know some alphas don't like you but most do respect you. I'm not trying to be mean, but some alphas don't take you serious because of having no luna ... I'm sorry to upset you." Tim looked around and then at her, "no it's okay. I know that not every alpha takes me serious, I took over when I was 18 but I'm trying. I can feel my mates emotions wash over me, I want to find her so badly but I just don't know where to look."

Lucy: He can feel my emotions. If only he knew I was his mate, he would turn around and look away, leaving me in the dust.

"I'm sure you'll find her. Whoever she is will be lucky to have you as a mate, you only have met me but are there for me and guiding me through everything." "I just want to help, I know how scary and confusing the first few months can be. Want to head back?" Lucy nods, they transform and head back to the village. Tim took Lucy home, they part ways.

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