Chapter 16

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Tim took a deep breathe before speaking. "Ari, we are honoured. If you're comfortable with calling us that then we are more than happy for you to." "You'll always be our daughter in our eyes." Lucy spoke while stroking her cheek. "Yeah?" They both nod and Artemis was beaming with her new reality. "Let's go eat." Tim picked Artemis up while walking into the cabin. They all sit on the couch and eat. There was a knock at the door and Lucy answered it. "Tamara?" "Hey Luce, um how do I say this? There's some alpha here wanting to speak with Tim." Tim carried Artemis to the door. "There was no arrangements made with any alpha .... Let's go check this out." Tim and Lucy exit the cabin with Tamara, walking to the centre of the village. Tim stopped in his tracks. "Uncle?" The man turned around. "There you are. About time you show, seeing as you're alpha and all." The man looked at the girl in his arm. "You finally had a kid, I knew that Ashley was the right one. Now let me see my granddaughter." "No chance are you touching her. How dare you bring that Ashley girl in this, we broke up a long time ago." His uncle scoffs. 

"So you are a single father." "No I'm not, I have my amazing mate with me." Tim pulls Lucy to his side. "This is my mate and this packs luna." His father laughs. "Her. She's the luna of this pack, she's nothing other than a weak wolf. I mean look at her, she's not your type at all and all that weight she has. She's not fit to be the luna." Lucy felt like she was stabbed in the gut with his words. Before anyone could say anything there was a voice. "Woah, back up. No one talks about our luna like that and gets away with it. We will not tolerant the disrespect you are showing towards her." "Do you even know who she is?" Angela and Nyla came in to defend Lucy as soon as Tamara came to their homes about the stranger. The man was confused and shook his head. "That over girl you disrespected, our luna, Tim's mate is the daughter of Wade Grey." "Nah you're joking. Their daughter was lost a long time ago, so there is no chance of it being true." A wolf came running up to Tim's uncle and transformed. "We're not joking, 100% true. Now you better stop disrespecting my daughter and leave, you're not welcome here." Tim's uncle, transforms and leaves.

Tim was hugging Lucy tight to provide comfort and telling her how incredible she is. Once the wolf had disappeared; Angela, Nyla and Wade all walked over to Tim and Lucy. "Is she okay?" Nyla spoke and Tim mouthed 'No'. "Luce, could you look at me?" Lucy turned in Tim's arms to face her dad. "You're none of those thing he said about you. You're perfect in every way, we all love you and you are an amazing luna. Between us, you're also the strongest luna I have seen in a very long time." Wade spoke softly to his daughter, because when Tamara showed up he knew that he would have to be there because of knowing how Tim's uncle was like. "Really?" Lucy spoke softly not looking at her father but at the ground. "Yes honey, I'm so proud to call you my daughter. Everyone here would agree with me." Lucy looks up and everyone nods their heads, Lucy ran over to her father and hugged him tightly. She was sobbing against his chest. "It's okay darling." He held her while she was calming down, placing a kiss on her head. "Never let anyone break you down, you have so much fight in you. We all are grateful to have a luna like you, everyone looks up to you considering taking down two alphas and a stray. You and Tim are an unstoppable team." Lucy pulls away from her father and looks up, wiping her tears away and she is back to herself still a little on edge. "There's my girl!" 

Angela and Nyla both hugged Lucy, they consider her as a sister. "Thanks girls." Lucy was grateful for the way they stood up for her. "It's our job as gamma wolves, we are fighters that fight with and for the alpha. And now our pack as a luna we do the same for you." Nyla spoke softly. "Everyone in this pack respects you, and we have been told how you have inspired wolves, especially the female wolves. (to Tim) Did you tell her?" Angela asked. "Not yet." Lucy whipped around to face Tim. "Tell me what?" "I'm sorry baby for not saying anything sooner, but  I was asked by the school if you could visit the kids. They informed me that the female pups are struggling a little bit." "When would I be going?" Tim sighs. "It would start tomorrow, if you want to Ari can go with you as she'll need to go to school soon." Lucy thought about it.

"Yeah, I would love to do that. Anything to help the young." "So don't get mad at me, but I did say it would most likely be yes but I wold have to check with you." Lucy moves to Tim, cupping his cheek. "I'm not mad at you babe. Will I be going alone or with someone?" "You'll be going with Angela, if that's okay with you." Lucy simply nods at him. "Let's head home, you need your rest." Everyone headed home and headed to bed for the next day.

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