Chapter 14

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Lucy's attention shifted, Tim moved closer to follow her gaze and saw the pup curled up to Lucy. "Guys, do was have anything we can use to carry something?" "No why?" Jackson questioned. "Because there's a pup here. Without asking Lucy, I'm guessing at the hunt she heard a noise in the distance than followed it. She came across the wolf over there with the pup curled up to her, checked the wolf and discovered she was dead. After that, she then got the pup to curl up with her and then started howling to get our attention. Am I right baby?" Lucy nods. Lucy nudges the pup and they both stood up, then without warning the pup transformed into human. She giggled and trying to reach when she caught sight of Lucy, then Lucy growled as a wolf started to move closer to the wolf.

"Lucy, is it okay if I hold the young?" Angela asked as Lucy seemed protective over the child, Lucy nods and Angela picks the child up, providing comfort to the little one. "What are we going to do about the kid?" Bailey questioned. Tim looked at Lucy, he saw how Lucy was watching the kid in Angela's arm and he saw first hand Lucy's motherly instincts come out. Tim's thought: Lu, I know you want to bring her home and seeing as there's no wolf pack for a few 100 miles. Why don't we take her in? Lucy's thought: Really? Tim nods, Lucy approaches him and gives him a hug.

"Now I'm confused with what just happened." John states. "Tim and Lucy have this special silence why of communicating with each other that we don't know. I have a guess but we'll let them tell us." Nyla tells John. "So you know we're taking the kid home." Tim says. But the moment was short lived when Lucy moved away from Tim. "Baby?" Tim says aloud and in his mind but nothing from Lucy but a growl. "This again?" Jackson says. "Lucy is still use to protecting herself, so that's why she does it." Angela says.

Out of nowhere a stray wolf pounces out, first he circled the group like prey but Lucy stepped forwards and growled, stopping the wolf in his tracks. Tim's thought: Be safe my love, you've got this. Lucy didn't respond but she heard him well. Nyla went to help Lucy but Lucy growled at her, "she's protecting us!" Tamara picked up on Lucy's attitude, which her instincts as a luna kicked into overdrive. Lucy and the stray were fighting, this was reminding Lucy of the night that she met the pack. At one stage, the stray pinned Lucy down. "Lucy!" Tim shouted and went to transform but Lucy growled, he stopped in place (shocked of course) as he has never had someone stand up to him like Lucy did. After a little time being pinned down, Lucy broke free and took the stray down. She was panting and growling at the stray still. "Baby, good work, now come here." Lucy moved to Tim, receiving love and praise. The baby transformed back into her wolf, Angela put her down and straight away she ran to Lucy, nuzzling her head against Lucy's leg. Lucy laid down with the pup snuggling up to her, Tim crouches in front of her. Lucy's thought: Can we keep her and raise her? I know it's still early in our relationship but pleaseeeee? Tim looked at the sight before him, "of course baby. We'll raise her together." Tim cups Lucy's face and gives her a kiss on her forehead. 

"Umm ... I made something with what I had, it's to bring the child back to the village." Tamara said, standing away from Lucy. But Lucy got up and moved over to her, taking a quick look at the harness then she moved closer to. Lucy nuzzled her head against Tamara to show her gratitude. The pup let out a soft bark which got Lucy's attention, Lucy went back to the pup and they started playing together.

"Tim, Lucy is an amazing luna but she needs to allow us to help her." John said. "Lucy has been living her life having to look after herself for so long, this is different for her. Having a pack to rely on, but also being able to hear things before us means she reacts quicker than others." Tim tells the others. "She also wants to protect us; she took a bullet for Tim, fought the Dark Moon's alpha and then fought the stray wolf. Omg, she's doing the same as her father did." Nyla recalls.

The pup was tiring out and also was getting hungry. "Lucy, let's get her home. I do have some food for her if you want to." Angela offered and Nyla also had some food she could have, Lucy nods. "Baby, is it okay for me and Tamara to strap her on?" Tim asked knowing how protective Lucy was over the pup. Lucy nods and reassuring him that's okay to do. On the way back to the village, everyone was going slower as Lucy had a passenger and was being careful.

At the village, the wolves went to Angela's house. Nyla and Angela lead Lucy to a place where she could rest. The girls asked permission to move the pup off of her, which she gave. Tim and Wesley were getting food and drinks for the pup and Lucy. The food came and was put down near Lucy, the others moved back watching Lucy and the pup interact together. "She great with kids Tim, but I honestly don't think many of us are getting close to the kid." Angela always being honest and truthful. "I know, but her motherly instincts have kicked in. I remember when you had Jack and how protective you were of him, she's doing the same." Angela couldn't do anything other than agree with Tim. Lucy got up and was playing with the pup, she wasn't putting much weight on one of her legs. She continued to play, the others notices this so Tim moves in. "Luce, come here please." Lucy nudges the pup to walk towards Tim, she followed going to Tim. The pup got closer, turned back to Lucy and then hoped in Tim's lap, snuggling down. A huge smile broke across Tim's face, Tim the looked over at Lucy. "Did you hurt your leg?" Lucy nods. Lucy's thought: It's just a sprain, I can put weight on it but it does hurt. "Bailey, could you come here and wrap Lucy's leg for me? (Bailey nods, Tim turns to Lucy.) Don't worry, I'll look after her but we need you to transform back." Lucy moves back and transforms, the pup looks up and transforms as well. Bailey wrapped her leg, once done Tim carried the child to Lucy, sitting next to her.

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