Chapter 10

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"What are they?" Tim graze his thumb over them. "My slave number." "What?" Lucy looked down. "He gave this to me when I was young. I have always just been a slave to that pack nothing more that's why I'm not good enough. I want to get rid of them but I can't." "You want them gone?" "Yeah I do, it's too painfully to look at them." Tim holds his hand over them. "I can use my powers from being an alpha because that would be how he gave them to you. This could hurt so squeeze my hand." Tim started removing them, Lucy squeezed his hand. After a moment, Tim lifted his hadn't to reveal no tattoo and he gave Lucy a kiss on her head.

"Done." Lucy looked down and saw the numbers were gone. "Thanks." Zoe came in and told them Lucy was free to go but had to have someone with her. Tim said he would do it. "You sure Tim?" "Yeah I am. Let's go." The others helped them to Tim's cabin where they got in, Lucy's bag was on a chair. "You take the bed, I'll be on the couch." Tim went to walk away but Lucy grabbed his arm. "No, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch and kicking you out of your bed." They couldn't agree on it. "Tim, why don't we sleep in your bed together. I'm not letting you be by yourself when you're blaming yourself for this but it's not your fault. I wanted to protect and save you." "Okay Luce." They both got dress and went to bed. 

They were getting the same feeling and turned around to see each other. "You feel that?" Lucy asked and Tim nods. He wrapped an arm around her and gently pulled her close. "I'm so happy you're staying." "Yeah?" "Yeah Luce. Can I do something?" She nods. He looks at her lip then to her eyes, moving closer together, Tim cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a soft kiss on the lips. Which Lucy responded by kissing back, they pull away and look at each other. They went back in for another kiss, when they pulled away Lucy rested her head on his chest. They fall asleep.

In the morning, Tim woke up first and admired Lucy who was asleep on his chest. Lucy woke up shortly after him. "Morning beautiful." Tim says kissing her head. "Morning Tim." "How you feeling?" "Better, I'm not really in pain." "Let's change your dressing." They got up, Tim warned her that it my hurt. Tim gently took the bandage off the reveal a nearly healed wound. "Luce, you heal fast." Lucy looked and couldn't believe it. Tim worked to that it and cover it again.

"How do you feel going on a little trip?" Tim asked. "Where to?" "Just this place I went as a child to escape everything." "Okay, how are we getting there?" "Why do you sit on my back and I'll take you there." Lucy was hesitant and Tim could read her, "Luce, you're not going to hurt me." "Okay, let's go." Tim transforms and then lowers himself so Lucy can hop on.

They go through the forest, they arrive at a cave. Lucy hops off Tim and crouches in front of him. "Thanks for the ride, it was very fun." She stroked his face which he leaned into her touch. He transforms back into human form. They start walking into the cave, Lucy gets nervous so she grabs ahold of Tim's hand. Tim leads them to the cave which has beautiful glowing stalactites and stalagmite. Lucy still holding Tim's hand is looking around the cave. "Tim, wow, this is so beautiful." "Yeah, and so are you. I come here as it's so relaxing here." Lucy smiles at Tim. "I wanted to give you a place to relax. I would like to show you the whole world isn't cruel and there are nice people in the world. I know he took your confidence away but I want to help you gain that confidence back. Honestly, I really like you and I'm wanting to help you." He cupped her cheek, gently rubbing it. "I really like you too. I would love some help getting my confidence back." Tim pulled her in for a hug.  

"What do you need help with?" "Trusting people and feeling wanted is the biggest, then about how my body looks and feeling safe." Lucy stops for a second before speaking again, "scratch the last one because I do feel safe somewhere." "Where?" Lucy looks at Tim. "It's not a where, it's more a who." She pulls him down for a sweet loving kiss. "I'm honoured that you feel safe with me. You have got people you can trust; there's Angela, Nyla, Genny, Tamara and you can trust James and Wesley too. After the combat training session, Angela and Nyla went on for a long time about how awesome you were and how much they would love to get to know you, so they can be your friends. You and Tamara have hit it off, she has never trusted anyone like that before. Your parents are happy that they found you and they want you to stay with them. Lucy you are wanted by people that care about you so much."

"Oh shit!" Tim says. "What's wrong?" Lucy was worried. "It's a full moon tonight." "Shit, I'm going to be in heat." Tim nods, Lucy grips Tim's hand tighter. "Tim, I'm scared. It's still new to me." "How much to you like me? "Tim, I love you. These past few days, the feelings have been growing so much." Tim looks at Lucy. "I love you too, which is why I'm going to have to stay away from you for the night." Lucy wraps her arms tightly around Tim not wanting him to leave her. "I'll stay with you but I don't know if I'm going to be able to control myself."

"Tim, how much do you want me right now?" "A lot. I want to show you what my life is like as an alpha, if your want to?" Lucy wasn't sure of how she was going to answer the question. "I'm yours Tim, if you have to we can do it, besides having intercourse will make other males know that I'm off the market." "Okay, I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it. I'll be by your side the whole night as I know how scared I was during my first few full moons." Lucy nods. They decide to head back to get ready for the full moon, Lucy was quickly checked over by Zoe to get the all clear which she did, Zoe was shocked at how quickly she healed. 

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