Chapter 13

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Tim's thought: Baby, you ready? Lucy's thought: Ready!

Tim brought Lucy close to him. "Ok, so you have clearly notice that I'm in a good mood and that is because I have some good news. Baby, you want to tell them?" Lucy turns her head to look at him and nods. "Well ... you are looking at the pack's luna." Wesley wasn't quite guessing right but the girls knew actually what was going on. Angela couldn't contain her excitement, "Tim, you asked Lucy to be your luna?" Nyla continued, "and Lucy, you said yes?" Tim smiles and Lucy nods her head. Within a minute the girls barrelled Lucy in a hug. "Congrats Tim," Wesley congratulates Tim. "Ang, we have ourselves a new wingwoman." The girls were too excited. "As long as you do not steal my mate away from me, then we won't have a problem." Tim spoke sternly to the girls. 

While they were all talking, there was a rustle in the bushes near the training grounds. Lucy heard and then smelt the scent, without warning she transformed, stepping away from the group and then started to growl. The others were confused, Tim approached her and crouched next to her. "Baby, what is it?" She turned to look at him and then turned back to where she was looking. Tim looked at the others, "there must be something there. Luce doesn't do this unless there is something there." He turns back to Lucy but cannot read her as she is laser focus, Lucy slowly takes a few steps away from Tim. "Luce, let me help you." Lucy turns and looks at him, she gives him a slight nod, pointing to the direction she wants him to go. Tim transforms, they both move swiftly and Tim could smell the scent as well. They worked together to drive the wolf out onto the training ground, where Nyla, Angela and Wesley were all waiting. The wolf transforms and it's the alpha of the Dark Moon pack. "This isn't how an alpha should be introduced." Tim transformed back, "what do you want? We didn't have any arrangements of a meeting with you." "I'm here to take back what you took from me." "What might that be?" Tim was worried about what he was going to say as Lucy was still growling at him. "I'm here to take Lucy back to where she belongs." "No fucking way. This is her pack! And I'm not sending her back with you just so you can use her as a slave." 

"Watch me!" The alpha tried to control Lucy to get her to come to him. She stayed where she was and growled at him more. Lucy stood her ground, showing that she isn't intimidated. "Oh so this is how you want to play it. Then let's go, but we all know you can't fight." He transformed, but Lucy didn't shake. Tim's thought: Be careful my love. You got this, show him that he doesn't know who he is messing with. I love you so much and we are here for you. Lucy's thought: Thanks babe, I love you too. The alpha lunged at Lucy but she was quicker. He continued to fight Lucy but wasn't successful, after a while the chance presented itself and Lucy took it. She got him to the ground, growled and then transformed. "Never come back here unless you have permission. Nobody messes with the alpha -" Tim interrupted her. "And definitely nobody messes with this pack's luna and gets away with it. Now you heard her, leave." With that the wolf runs off, Tim runs to Lucy and hugs her tight. "Good job baby. He clearly doesn't know what he is missing, but I know exactly what we gained when you joined the pack." "A mate?" Tim shakes his head, "no we gained my mate but also a fearless wolf that is ready to fight and an amazing luna." Tim kisses her forehead.  

"That was amazing. That's the second alpha you took on and won, keep going like this and wolves from other packs will definitely fear you." Wesley said, they were all impressed with Lucy's skills. "Ok, thanks for the support. But this luna wants to go for a nap." Lucy starts walking off, Tim transformed and caught up to her. He lowered to the ground, she got on and was laying on his back while he ran to his cabin. Lucy got off of Tim, he transformed then opened the door. Tim carried Lucy to the bed, placing her down and when he went to walk away Lucy grabbed his arm. "Babe, could you lay with me?" Tim nods and lays done with her. They end up cuddling together, "Baby you did amazing, I always speak the truth. And if we need to fight more alpha's I know who I'll have next to me." "Mmm, I did nothing big." Tim kisses her forehead and guides her gaze. "Nothing big? You took down an alpha by yourself, which wolves are scared to do. You're so much stronger than all these other alpha's and have proven you're a force that others should fear. I love you so much, and I'm extremely grateful that you're my mate. Ok ... now enough talking, you take your nap my luna." They share a kiss then Lucy falls asleep.

About 2 hours later, Tim was hugging Lucy while she slept. Lucy starts to stir. "Hey love, how you feeling?" "Better." They got up, Lucy and Tim made the announcement to the rest of the pack that Lucy is the luna. Everyone showed respect, since she arrived she has shown the pack her worth and how caring she is, so of course they accepted her. Tim and Lucy engaged with the pack, ensuring everything was in order.

That night, they all went out on a hunt. Lucy led the pack and they followed her lead, while everyone was eating the hurt, Lucy heard something in the distance. She moved away from the pack and followed the noise. Tim and Angela looked at each other confused because Lucy disappeared. They started howling to see if she would respond but nothing.

Lucy was once again laser focused on the noise, she followed the noise and when she approached her heart stopped. In front of her was a wounded female wolf and she had a pup curled up with her. Lucy moves closer to check the wolf but it was no good, the wolf was dead. Lucy approached the pup and lightly nudged her, you could see that the pup was upset. Lucy gestures for the pup to come to her, reluctantly moved towards Lucy. Lucy laid down, then the pup came up to her face and Lucy nuzzles her face against the pup to provide comfort. With that the pup curled up to Lucy, she started to whimper but with Lucy's comfort she calmed down. They were under a tree so if you approached them you couldn't see the pup with Lucy. Lucy started howling to get the pack's attention. 

The pack were trying to call out for Lucy in their human form, a moment of silence fell within the group. "Where could have she have gone?" A wolf asked. "I don't know, but I have notice that Lucy can hear things far from us, even before we hear it." They were trying to find a trace of her, while looking they heard a howl. The howling was continuous, "Tim?" Wesley called out. After listening closer to the howl, "that's Lucy! I know that howl too well." They all transformed and followed the sound. After some time of running, the howls were louder. 

The pack approached, to find a wolf laying on her side, James checked the wolf and shook his head. Tim was getting worried for Lucy, he could feel her presents (Lucy could feel Tim's present and that he was near her) and was worried the dead wolf was Lucy but then Angela spotted another wolf. Angela nudged Tim, he looks over to find the wolf. Tim softly barks, that got the wolf's attention and turned to see Tim. Tim ran over to her and transformed to human. "Lucy, you're safe. I was so worried." Lucy lowers her head and whimpers, "Lu, it's okay I'm not disappointed in you. I just wish you would have let one of us know. Come on let's buried the wolf and then head home." Tim got up and moved away but Lucy stayed put. "Lucy?" Angela asked. 

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