Chapter 27

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As Tim turned around, he was attacked by the wolf. Him and this wolf started fighting each other, with the wolf scratching Tim's face. They were to busy fighting, Angela and Nyla looked and then turned to each other. Nyla barked at Tim to get him to stop. Lucy recognised the bark straight away, Tim was confused with what Nyla was barking at. Both wolves had separated.

That was the fact until he could the scent of the wolf that attacked him, he had an idea and it couldn't hurt to try. Tim barked at the wolf, a few seconds went by and the wolf returned the bark. Wesley disappeared to gather the pack to tell them the news. Tim looked but at the girls who nodded at him, he transformed and sat down. "Lucy? Is that you?" The light in the room improved to reveal Lucy standing in front of them, she caught sight of Tim's cheek that she scratched and it broke her heart to see that she hurt him. "Lucy, you're okay. Can you please come here so we can go home?" She stepped back and moved back to the corner of the cave. Lucy's thoughts: I killed someone, how am I meant to be the luna of a pack if I killed someone? No one would follow my lead. This is my new reality, it's time to leave my incredible life behind. 

Tim heard what she said, "Lucy stop!" She turned to face him. "No one wants you to leave, we have had the whole pack looking for you as they all care for you. So you killed another wolf, but it wasn't your fault. We're not going to blame you, but we do want you home." Lucy places her head on the ground. The girls also transform, "Lucy, everyone misses you. Your daughters miss you. Could you come over here?"

Lucy hesitates but moves over to them, she gets a good look at Tim's cheek, looks down and whimpers. Everyone is confused until Angela gets a glance of Tim's cheek. "Tim, your cheek." Tim felt the scratches on his cheek, "Luce, it's okay. I'm fine. Please can you come home." She looks at his cheek and brought her paw up to the side where she scratched him, she wants to touch it but she decides again it.

Tim takes ahold of her paw, guiding it to his face and holds it there. "Baby, please come home. I would like my love and my luna home with me." She pulls away and transforms to human, breaking down. He moves to her and pulls her into an embrace, where they sat there in quiet. They pull away looking at each other. "I'll go pack my stuff up and then be out of your hair before you know it." "What?" "I'll leave, I know that you don't want me anymore." "Baby, I love you and want more than anything for you to come home." Tim could see what Lucy was thinking. "I'm positive about it, will you come home?" She nods, they move closer for an emotional kiss.

They all got up and watched outside where the rest of the pack is gathered. Lucy slightly hides behind Tim. "Thank you all for your help on looking for Lucy. Howl if you want to say yes, who here would like Lucy to return and be our luna?" The pack looks around, and they all start howling. Lucy moves to see the whole pack there and howling. "Everyone wants me back?" "Yeah Lucy, you have had an impacted on everyone's lives and they all are grateful for you. They want you to be their luna, as we all have been influenced by you." Angela spoke softly. Tim moved and turned to face Lucy.

"Lucy Bradford, will you do us the honour in being our luna again?" Tim asked holding her necklace. She looks around at everyone before turning back to Tim.

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