Chapter 23

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Tim and Lucy woke up the next morning to two little bodies on the bed, gently jumping on the bed. "Morning, time to wake up." Kate and Artemis both said at the same time. "Morning girls," Tim spoke still a bit sleepy and Lucy wasn't moving much. "Come on mummy, wake up." Kate spoke trying to wake Lucy up. She was shocked with what she heard and so was Tim. Lucy's thoughts: I thought it would take her longer to say that, or if she ever wanted to say that. Tim's thoughts: Same, but you are amazing so it makes sense why they are both so comfortable with you.

Lucy moved to face Tim and saw both the girls. "Morning." Kate launched at Lucy and gave her a hug, then she looked down at Lucy. "So mummy huh?" Kate got a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry." "Hey it's okay, call me whatever you want. I'm not mad at you if you're comfortable with that." Kate hugged her again and Artemis joined her. "So, you know I'm still here." Tim pouts at not getting any attention. "Oh sorry babe, girls?" They both then launch at Tim and hug him.

Tim smiles and he looks down at the girls, "okay, we need to get ready as it's Lucy's special day." Lucy was confused. "Baby, it's like your coronation to being luna. It's a ceremony where you swear to protect and serve the pack. We don't have to if you don't want to." "No I want to." Tim smiles and when Lucy got up, he gave her a kiss. "Okay, so me and they girls will be leaving before you. Angela and Nyla will be here any minute to keep you company and then take you to the sacred place for the ceremony." "Okay. I'm a bit nervous now." Tim cups her cheek, "you'll be fine. I was also nervous about my ceremony."

Tim, Kate and Artemis all got ready. "Wow you all look amazing." They all thanked her, "wait until we get to see you." They all say goodbye and not even a minute later there was a knock on the door. "Hey girls." "Hey Lucy, you ready for today?" "Yeah and a bit nervous. What are you both doing here?" They exchange a look with each other. "We're here for our sister for one. But also as gammas, it's our job to present the luna to the pack." They girls were talking while Lucy was getting ready and when Lucy walked our to the living room their jaws drop. "Woah Lucy." "What? You don't like it?" "No, you look amazing in that. Ready?" Lucy nods.

The pack all arrived at the sacred place and took their seats. Tim, Wesley and Wade were all standing at the front. The guard wolves for the ceremony make the announcement that Lucy had arrived. Angela and Nyla walked in first, behind them was Lucy. Everyone turned to see their luna walk in, Tim had a bright smile on his face and Lucy smiled back at him. Wade was the one was officiating the ceremony. He stood in the middle with Lucy facing him.

"Today, we gather as a pack to welcome Lucy into our pack. We are welcoming her as our pack's luna. Tim and Lucy have been together about six months, they are always there for each other and for the pack. Now to extend the question out to the pack, is there any wolf that would like to reject Lucy as the luna of our pack." He looked around to see no objections, he turns to Angela and Nyla nods to let them know its time. Angela passes him the necklace that is giving to the luna's of the pack. "Lucy, you are Tim's mate and now our luna. Do you swear to honour, serve and protect this pack and all its wolves?" "I swear to serve and protect this pack with my life for as long as I can." Lucy recites a sacred passage for the pack and then Wade puts the necklace on her. "By the power invested in me, I hereby present the new luna of the Midnight pack." Lucy turns around to see all the wolves cheering for her and they bow their heads to show her respect. Lucy turns to look behind her before she transforms and howls, everyone else joins in with her.

She transforms and sees Tim approaching her. He bowed his head, "welcome to the pack my luna." She smiles at him, they look into each others eyes before sharing a kiss which everyone was cheering for. "Okay my luna, Lucy Chen lets go home with our friends." Lucy looks at the girls and smiles. "Babe, my name isn't Lucy Chen and hasn't been for the last few days." "What?"

Angela (too excited): "Her name is now Lucy Bradford." Tim looks down at her. "Even better, let's go home Mrs Lucy Bradford." They all returned to the village, the gang all went to the Bradford's cabin.

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