Chapter 21

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"Lucy we need to go now it's Kate. No one has seen her going with the other orphans." "Okay, let's go." Tim grabbed Lucy's arm. "I'll go drop Artemis off with James and then help you girls look." "Thanks babe, see you soon." The girls all transform, splitting up to search the village.

After some time, they all met up again at the villages centre. "Where could she possibly?" Tim questioned, they were spit balling ideas of where she could possibly go. "Wait, there's one place we haven't checked yet." Lucy got up and ran off before anyone could say anything, they transform and follow her.

Lucy arrived at the lake where she saw a young wolf sitting near the water, immediately recognising that it was Kate. Lucy approached, letting a soft bark out that should get her attention. Kate turned to see Lucy, the others stopped away from them to give them time. Kate ran to Lucy and nuzzle her head against Lucy's leg, Lucy then laid there with Kate cuddled up to her. Half an hour passes, they both transfer back. "Kate, why did you leave? People have been worried." The young pup starts to cry. "Me not wanted. Me no love. No one would miss me." Lucy pulls her closer. "You have your own place in this pack and people would miss you. Ari would miss her best friend and I would miss you." Kate turned to look at Lucy.

"You want me?" Lucy nods. "Of course I do, all you need is guidance which you will go to Genny's place for help." Kate tighten her hold on Lucy. "You take me?" Lucy was shocked by what she was asking. "I would love to and Ari would be over the moon but I will need to ask Tim first." Kate was a little disappointed. "It's okay, I will leave." 

Tim's thoughts: Baby, your decision if you want to take her in then do it. I will always support you in any decision. You my luna and my love, I'm happy either way. Lucy's thoughts: Okay babe. Lucy looked down at Kate. "Hey Kate, what do you think about coming to live with Tim, Ari and me?" "Really?" Kate started to get excited and Lucy nods. "Yes please, thank you. Me scared of Alpha." Lucy giggles a little and whispers into Kate's ear tell her that Tim's nice. 

Lucy carries Kate over to the others. "Guess who's coming home with us?" Tim went in for a hug, "let's get her home. Ari is going to be very excited. I'll get home before you so we can surprise her." Lucy nods, they share a kiss and he leaves. Angela, Nyla and Lucy all slowly walks back, all talking with Kate to make her feel better.

Tim and Artemis are at home in the living room when they hear the door. "Ari, mum has a surprise for you." Lucy and the girls walk in. "Kate?" Artemis was confused. "Yeah, Kate will be living with us. What do you think Ari?" Kate looks at Artemis and Artemis looks at Kate. "I love it, my bestie is now living with me. Is Kate staying in the same room as me?" Both Tim and Lucy nods. The others bid them goodnight, they settle Kate and Artemis down for bed.

Two weeks later, the Bradford household is buzzing with energy. Kate has settled in well, Tim and Lucy both love her so much. Artemis and Kate have been having lots of fun, they have started to call each other their sister. Tim has been busy but always ensures that he is home to spend time with his girls or makes sure that Lucy is with him at his meetings.

Today, Lucy wasn't feeling well. She was home only, she had very low energy and was very tired. She couldn't transform as she was that low of energy. Nyla and Angela went over to their cabin as they were worried. They knocked on the door and Lucy weakly walked over to answer the door. "Omg, Lucy. Are you okay?" "Yeah, very low energy and tired." "Does Tim know?" Lucy shakes her head. Angela and Nyla exchange a look.

"I'm so sorry for saying this but you said we're sisters so we'll tell you the truth. But by the sounds of it, it's possible that you could ...."

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