Chapter 24

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It was party time at the Bradford's cabin. The rest of the pack went back to doing their daily activities while, the gang were celebrating. All the kids were playing together outside but in view of where their parents could see them. 

Wade raises his glass and everyone joins in, "here's to Lucy.. our luna." The all cheers with each other and drink. Tim was hugging Lucy from behind, with his hands resting on her small bump. They were all talking and laughing together, Lucy cleared her throat. "Okay, seeing as you're all our closest friends, we have some news." Everyone got very curious, Lucy looked to Tim and he nodded. "We're pregnant!" They say at the same time, everyone congratulated them. The kids came back inside and went over to their parents and everyone sat down. Tim was holding Artemis and Lucy was holding Kate.

"So Tim is a girl dad so far?" John was stating the obvious but also trying to tease him but Tim wasn't biting. "How's that going to work? This pack has only ever had alpha's." James questioned as they all knew that Tim's father never wanted a female to run the pack, he looks down at his wife and girls. "Screw that rule. I'm not going to discriminate against my daughters because of their gender. If they want to be a female alpha, I'll support them and I know they have the best role model possible." Tim took a pause to allow everyone to soak in the information. "Besides, let's face it, female wolves always make amazing fighters and I know with the guidance from my girls mum and their aunts, they are going to be unstoppable." He kissed Artemis's head and hugged Lucy.

"Wait a minute! You only have one sister, but you said the girls's aunts. Do you have secret siblings and we not know?" Jackson questioned, as everyone was thinking the same thing. Tim slightly chuckled and Lucy smiled. "What my man was saying is that, our girls have got Genny as their aunt but there is two more wolves that are their aunt. We just haven't asked them yet." "Okay, now my head hurts. Too much riddling." Aaron spoke while holding his head. "Ari, Kate, do you want to go see your aunties and see if they want to be that." Lucy whispered to the girl, Artemis and Kate both walked hand in hand over to Angela and Nyla. Lucy and Tim were cuddling up together, watching the sight in front of them.

"Hey girls what's up?" Angela asked them both softly. "You-" "And you-" Angela and Nyla looked at each other a bit nervous at what was happening. "Would you like to be our aunties?" Kate softly asked as she spoke just above a whisper. Angela and Nyla passed their children to their partners and moved closer to the younger girls.

"Yeah, we would." They spoke at the same time, and the girls little faces lit up at the answer, each hugging a girl before they switched. "Guys, we honoured but why us?" Tim was looking down at Lucy and she smiled. "Because, you both are my sisters. So we thought that our girls would also benefit having such amazing people as their aunties." Lucy got up leaving Tim, and so did the girls. They both barrelled into a hug with Lucy. "And we'll be aunties to this little one as well." 

Hours went by, everyone started leaving. There was only Tim, Lucy, Angela, Nyla, Wesley, James and the kids left. They did want to leave as all the kids were sleeping. The boys were in the living room watching tv while the girls were sitting outside talking. "We are truely honoured to be the aunties to the daughters of our pack leaders." "I know you will look out for them that's why I suggested it to Tim. Now how about we go to the training arena after dropping the kids off, I don't have anything planned." "Sounds amazing."

As night fell, they all ended up having a sleepover because it was late by the time they had finished talking. The next morning, everyone was up. All having breakfast together and enjoying each others compa

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