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"Bitch how dare you raise your disgusting voice at me you foul woman", he said while grabbing my hair and dragging towards the basement.

I had my periods today and cramps were hitting my lower abdomen so hard. And upon this torment it's difficult to handle all this but eventually now i'm habituated to this stuff.

"Bitch how dare you get into the kitchen when it is strictly prohibited for you" he said while kicking my lower abdomen

He kicks as if I'm football but it doesn't hurt me like always. Right now it's breaking every inch of my body. I'm unable to handle this pain. Why don't they kill me at once. When I asked him he said "Tujh jaisi manhoos ko maarke mere haath gandhe nahi karne"

Indeed I'm really MANHOOS.


I was hiding under the table so that I could run towards my Iva's study.

The censors were turned off not knowing how is it possible because the code was only known by me and Iva as he said.

All the walls of the mansion were painted with blood. My feet's were covered with blood. All the decorations and the roses were lying on the pool of blood. My white saree was adorned with blood. My bangles were broken and pierced into my skin.

My body stiffened and I shut my eyes tightly, covering my mouth with my palm as his took predatory steps and his screams echoed into the mansion.

Please Ivaan, come soon. Kaha ho. I'm scared. God please I need my home back. Please save me.

"Ohh my princess is hiding here, tsk tsk come on, let's go," His voice reached while my body jerked backwards.

His grey eyes darkened finding his prey. I was his prey to hatch on.

"N—no, pl-ple-pleasee lea-leave me," I pleaded while moving backwards with the help of my elbows.

My body persuaded to fight back but the emotions and my past was not letting me do. It was dragging me into the darkness. My maa's words kept ringing into my ears.

"SCREAMMMMM ANVI. I JUST SAID FUCKIN' SCREAMM. BACHHAA PLEASE SCREAM. YOU CAN'T DO THIS. I SAID SCREAM," My mom's voice echoed in my mind and the word scream battled to come out from my mouth.

"Come on peach. Let's have a talk. Let me devour your soul, your voice and everything," He said in a sinister voice while his hands moved towards my feet's.

I tried to move back but it was the end. The wall.

The end was near. My heart was pounding against my ribcage. Sweat beads formed in my palms and under my feet's . It feels like my heart was bleeding with pain and fear.

"Jaan just Incase the censor goes off all you have do is scream or break a heavy thing. I will protect you but just in case I'm stuck please I want you to fight back. I know my jaana can do it. You've to fight back for yourself, for us and for our daughter. Promise me you'll,"

Iva's voice lurked in my mind. I screamed for us, to protect myself. My body torn apart assisting between fear that I will lose my Iva and desire to be in my Iva's arms forever.

The censors echoed in the mansion as they went on alert. Ringing down emergency.

The person kneeling front of me chuckled and his dark grey eyes were radiating something which I didn't knew. He pulled me with my toe ring.

"n-no, ple-please, lea-leave me," I pleaded while he yanked my ankle and twisted the toe ring.

The same toe ring my Iva's proposed with.

I pleaded, I screamed. I felt apart. I was close near the edge of letting the darkness consume me. My Iva's, Aishi's face kept flashing infront of my eyes.

"I just wanted to talk to you but seems like you loved to be punished. Peach, you know how much I worship your innocence but your boldness isn't helping out. Never mind," He said while my body and mind was stuck at point why did he refers me as peach.

He twisted my toe ring and dragged me to the room with my toe finger.

It was tragedy when my romantic heart and my innocence was trapped in the world of manipulation and lust.

All I knew is my love was pure. I believed love could end all my problems but little did I know I was living in the Fallacy that love could cure pain.

It drains each and every part of you. Drowning you into unrealistic expectations and thoughtfulness.

I wonder, I don't know whether I will be able to witness my love. My Ivaan again, but I knew this wasn't the end.

There's much more to suffer.

Until My soul is tainted with cruelty.

My Ivaan taught me how to bloom again and I did. Though I knew I would be burned again.


"Please save my dau-daughte-er," My voice stammered and It came as a mere whisper.

The only hope I had was him.

I knew he will burn down the world when it comes to Aishi but today his eyes were betraying the promise.

"So you want me to save your daughter. Tsk, tsk our daughter," He said while gulping down the lump.

Something was wrong with him. His actions, his voice, his eyes were betraying and the sole cause was me.

"Ye-yes-yes please hel-help m-mee", I said in a croaky voice.

I feel so worthless right now.

So guilty that I couldn't save my daughter. Not being so powerful that I have to take help of him when I once said I'm Enough to take care and protect my angel

"Fine I'll help you out but before that I have a condition," He said in a sinister tone.

"I-I'm rea-ready to do any-th-thing-g," I said while taking another step forward.

"So my princess you should GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG FOR IT,"

He said with an evil smirk but does he think I don't understand him enough. It seems he's forced to do this or maybe I'm being played again. It feels I'm being trapped again.

He took a few steps back and was about to turn.

I got on my knees, joining my hands and lowering my head.

"Please save my daughter. Please I beg you. I can't breathe without those blue orbs. Please don't trap my little innocent soul in the game. She deserves to be happy. I'm ready to touch your feet's. Just save my angel,"

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