21. A Mini Golden Cage.

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I found my body aching to the core

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I found my body aching to the core. I tried to move my hands but it feels like they've been paralysed. I opened my eyes trying to adjust with the brightness. I tried to sit with the pillow behind my back, resting my head on the headboard.

I wondered what I was doing here. I was in the bathtub last night. My clothes have changed. I'm half naked. It's just his shirt and my underclothes which have changed too. Fear crawled on my skin, the burning sensation which I never wanted to feel again.

Did we do something? No, we didn't do anything.

Did he do something? No he will not without my consent. I trust him on this.

Did he see my scars on my thighs?

What if he asks me the reason behind them?

I took the glass of water which was on the side table and gulped it in one go.

I covered my legs with a quilt, hugging my knees to my heart. Recalling the things I did and we shared it. It was a breakdown of mine which I've been holding on to since I came here.

I killed my aunt. Do I regret it?

No I don't.

He surprised me with a heart shaped bathtub. He did remember but I even stopped dreaming of it since the day I got to know dreaming and asking would turn into a dark day.

We kissed for the first time. Our first kiss. I touched my lips recalling the warmth and memory we shared. Why does my heart feel heavy when I should be happily giggling. I wiped my tears not letting anything else haunt me. I have to visit the NGO. I have to focus on my lilies and figure out everything about fundraising.

"Kiwi, are you feeling," He said while coming into the room with a glass of juice.

I'm feeling like I've been played just like my maa.

"Have this," He said while forwarding the glass of juice.

"Can you please stop this act of yours. I will not let myself get trapped again. Do you understand? I'm not that weak as i have been portraying myself Mr. Oberoi," I said while gritting my teeth. He smiled and sat on the bed, placing the juice on the table.

"Jaana, that's okay but stop going hard on yourself. It's okay to not forgive me but I never said you're weak. Indeed you're the strongest woman," He said while caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"You should be the one stop acting so hard for your revenge Mr. Oberoi. May I know the reason why my clothes have been changed," I said, yanking his hand away.

"You were unconscious jaana in the bathtub pooled with your blood. I did it without your consent but I couldn't leave you there and let you fall sick. You can slap and kick me. I don't mind but i didn't do anything. I know you trust me," He said with a small smile while I lowered my gaze.

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