18. Princess of "Oberoi's"

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I kept humming until she slept in my arms

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I kept humming until she slept in my arms. I made her lie on the bed properly and caressed her back gently.

She's so beautiful. I Know she has insecurities about herself but each and every time I will make her believe how beautiful she is.

It's her birthday tomorrow. I will give your precious things back to you. I will never let anyone hurt you and our angel. I will pour down my complete love on you and our angel. I will love and accept Aishi as my own. Indeed she's mine the day I meet those blue orbs. She's just like our love, cute, wild but fragile.

It's 12:00 and I kissed both her eyes and forehead.

"Happy Birthday Kiwi, My jaana, My sweetheart, My Wife, Thank you for coming into my life again and filling up with the same amount of love just by your presence. I'm so proud of you. I love you jaana. I hope someday you forgive me and we will have a normal relationship. I want to fulfil all your dreams. The ones you always shared my love. I remember each and everything I promise I will recreate our bitter memories with new ones. But I can't live without you. I won't allow you to leave me. I need you so much. I'm need to feel the same love. I want to see you giggling and laughing all your heart out jaana. I wanna see the same kiwi who used to fight with me to dance with her. I will get you ice creams whenever you need. I will get your favourite pizzas, in fact I will make them for you. I will fill your nightmares with so much happiness," I confessed to her while tracing my thumb on her cheeks.

I couldn't stop and kissed her nose piercing.

"Your dad did sin tormenting you. I thought it was fake. I wanted to torture the hell out of him. I wanted him to beg for his life in front of you. I wanted you to punish him but someone snatched our rights. I don't know who he is but for sure he will be paying for the thing he has had. I will protect you from everyone jaana. The person who I killed today said he will snatch you away from me. There's no person on this freaking earth who would take you away from me. For you I can cross all the limits which I would even never imagine. I love you jaana,"

I kept caressing and pulling her onto me. She was sleeping with a pout. I so wanted to kiss her lips but I Won't until you feel comfortable with me and everything is sorted between us. I have planned a surprise for you, for us. I kept thinking about her, talking to herself and by now it was 5 in the morning.

I got up from the bed, covering her with a proper quilt and placing pillows at both the sides. I kneeled before her legs and kissed her feet.

I'm unable to sleep because I'm scared what if I don't find you beside me.

I'm unable to sleep because what if I lose my only ray of sunlight in my dark world.

I'm unable to sleep because what if you leave me for the pain I gave you.

I can lose anything but not you. I don't why the hell is this fear crawling into me. I won't hurt you please ek baar maaf kardo hume.

As I said Zindagi bhar maafi maangta rahunga. I will beg for your forgiveness jaana.

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