Mattheo Riddle, 01:

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*Possible Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abuse* Written by my Pookie @ImaraRiddle <3

I rush down the hall barely making it in the classroom. About 2 minutes later, after I sit down, Professor Umbridge walks into the room.

U "Good Afternoon class," She speaks walking by my desk.

Class "Good afternoon professor," The class replies almost in harmony.

U "Today we will be doing something hands-on," She says finally making it past my desk.

Y/n "Finally" I mumble under my breath hoping she didn't hear.

U "Is there something you would like to say Ms.L/n?"

Y/n "No," I say not trying to roll my eyes.

U "Well then, today we are going to be facing our boggarts," She says waving her hand. Suddenly the desks move to the side making me stand up. "Form a line. Now, wands out. Ms. L/n, why don't you get us started since you were so eager earlier," She says giving me a petty look. 

I hold out my wand, my hand shaking slightly. I think I know what's about to appear. Umbridge opens the door to the cabinet the boggart is in, and I prepare for the worst. A figure begins to step out of the shadows, and a wave of fear washes over me. It's my father, wand in one hand and a whip in the other, and I know what's coming. I start to shake and my vision blurs as tears begin to form. They stream down my face as my mind shuts down. Every instinct tells me to run, but I hold my ground, I won't let Umbridge think she's won.

U "Do something, girl! Fight back!" She yells at me.

I'm still shaking all over, but I raise my wand, racking my mind for anything I could change the boggart into.

Your father "Well, well, well, Y/n, you've been a very bad girl, very bad indeed."

That voice, it's the same as always, cold and piercing. Suddenly I can't bear it anymore. I turn and run out of the classroom, not caring where my feet take me. Behind me, I can hear Umbridge yelling.

U "Miss L/n, come back here at once! I did not permit you to leave!" She yells her awful voice echoing through the hallway.

I'm so preoccupied with my fear that I don't even hear the person chasing after me. My feet have carried me to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and I run in and collapse onto the floor, dissolving into tears. I'm gasping for breath when I feel strong arms wrap around me and someone pulling me into their lap. Immediately I know who it is because I recognize the smell of their cologne. Mattheo.

M "Shhhhhh. It's ok. You're going to be fine, just try to breathe."

I press my face into his chest, not even caring that I should probably wonder why he's there, let alone why he cares. I just let him hold me while I sob and he gently rocks me back and forth. When I finally can breathe normally again I sit up and look at Mattheo.

Y/n "W-why are y-y-you h-helping me? What d-d-do you c-care if I'm c-crying?"

M "Because I know what it feels like too."

Y/n "What do you mean?"

Mattheo stands up and pulls off his shirt before turning around. I inhale sharply as I see the scars running up and down his back and along his torso. I have similar ones myself from my father.

M "When I was younger I spent a lot of time being shipped from one death eater home to another, and plenty of them beat me. Now that my father is back though," Mattheo shudders slightly. "It's so much worse."

Y/n "I'm so sorry."

I didn't realize I had reached out to touch the scars until my fingertips brushed over them and Mattheo stiffened.

Y/n "Sorry, I shouldn't have, I know they've got to hurt a lot."

M "It's alright, I just wasn't expecting it."

Y/n "I'm sorry." I whisper again, and both Mattheo and I know it's about us having to go through our parent's abuse.

Y/n "I'm still confused why you chose to help me of all people, I mean, we've hardly even spoken to each other."

M "Because I love you." I stare at Mattheo in shock.

Y/n "You what?"

M "I love you. I have ever since our first year. I've never been able to work up the courage to talk to you though, and you probably hate me now if you didn't already with what everybody says about me."

Mattheo's Pov

I wait for her response, my heart pounding. When she finally says something it's so quiet I barely hear her.

Y/n "I don't hate you. I love you too."

M "Y-you do?" I was shocked. Does someone love me?

She nods, and I try not to cry myself, from joy. I pull her to me and hug her tightly.

M "I've wanted to hear you say that for five years."

I feel her nod and feel like crying again.

Y/n Pov

I want to scream and cry and run around screaming some more, I'm so happy. Suddenly I just look up at him and kiss him. I kiss him like I've wanted to since I first laid eyes on him. Mattheo's eyes widen briefly before I feel him return the kiss, which grows even more passionate. When we finally break for air, both Mattheo and I are grinning.

M "Let's do that more often, shall we?"

I nod and he kisses me again gently.

M "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Y/n "Really? Yes! I would love to Mattheo!"

I kiss him again and wonder what my future will be like.

The end


Hello, my lovelies, I just wanted to tell you that if a guardian or parent is ever harming you physically, mentally, or sexually please tell a trusted adult. At least tell someone. It's not okay for them to harm you in any and please know that beyond that you are loved. Always remember that there is someone in the world waiting to meet you. You just have to wait for them. Well goodbye my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed it!! Also, please go check out dr0_0dr or  ImaraRiddle because they've both helped me a lot. Goodbye, my lovelies!!!!! <3

(Don't forget to comment with any ideas you guys have or what you want your nickname to be instead of Lovelies)

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