Ron Weasley, finding out you're famous in the muggle world, 57:

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Again written by harrypotterreacts, a YouTuber. 

You were a famous dancer in the muggle world, and had starred in one of the biggest dancing competitions in the world, and won!

Ron didn't know about this, but you decided not to tell him because you didn't think ron would be very interested in dance.

You were at a Gryffindor party, and you guys were in a dance circle. You were kind of expecting that people would call your name, so you decided to show him.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

It was finally your turn and you stepped into the circle, the neon lights on your face as you began dancing. You could tell by the cheering and the eyes all on you that everyone was impressed, and as you walked up to Ron, showing off your moves right in front of him. You laughed seeing his mouth huge agape. You finished your little solo with a backflip and a pose and everyone went crazy for you.


Y/n "Dance like what?"

You giggle and Ron puts an arm around you, pulling you in for a kiss as everyone teases you both.

Y/n "I'm a famous dancer, Ron. In the muggle world."

Ron's mouth opened even wider., standing in awe.

R "Unfortunately that doesn't pair very well with my atrocious dancing abilities..."

You burst out laughing and Ron was the next one to dance in the circle, so you all enjoyed a display of hideous moves that cracked everyone up.

The End.

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