Cedric Diggory, reacting to your death, 17:

84 3 37

(Trigger warning, blood, death, possible cussing.) I wrote this and am very proud of it.

*It's the battle of Hogwarts, you and Cedric are in the hospital wing helping Madam Pomfrey*

MP "Okay, and could someone go to the field and check if anyone else is hurt?"

I nod and stand up away from the bed I was preparing for the next person.

C "No, y/n let me do it, I don't want you getting hurt."

Y/n "Cedric I'll be fine, if I don't come back in at least 15 minutes then come look for me. But I'll be fine."

I leave the room and head for the battlefield. Once I arrived at the battlefield I asked McGonigal if she knew anyone hurt. She points over a group of death eaters.

MG "I heard multiple screams coming that way, but if you are helping Madame Pomfrey I don't suggest you go that way."

I nod and completely ignore the last things she says, and start heading over to the group. I then hear my best friend, Cho, yell. I immediately pull out my wand and get ready to attack.

Y/n "Stupefy!"

One of the death eaters goes flying and the rest of the group turns around.

Y/n "Cho! Run!"

I then start shooting spells at the rest of the death eaters. I'm then sent flying against a wall as I hear Cho scream my name. I slowly get up a bit uneasy from the impact of the wall. I then throw multiple more charms that send death eaters left and right slowly decreasing the group. Then all I can think of is making sure Cho, the girl who saved my life once, was safe. I look around and don't see her in sight. I sigh in relief. I'm then pushed into a different battle going on between some of the staff and death eaters. I look around and see multiple first-year students lying helplessly on the ground. I run over, pick them up, and throw them over my shoulder. I start running knowing that if I don't I'll die.

I keep running when I see Cedric waiting in the doorway. The relief that goes on his face is very sudden but understandable. I ran into the room and lay the 4 first years I had onto different beds. I then stand up again ready to go get more people.

C "Y/n let me this time, I can tell you almost got hurt."

Y/n "Darling I'm fine."

He gives me a soft kiss on my forehead and nods. I run back out prepared to grab multiple more students and possibly teachers when I hear a scream. I must've screamed because all of the students looked at me in concern. I point to where the room is and tell them to run straight there. Once they start running I collapse to the ground and realise I've been stabbed. I hold my stomach tightly hoping to slow down the bleeding a bit. I hear someone yell but it hurts too much to turn around. Suddenly Cho runs right in front of me.

C "Y-y/n, What... what happened?!"

Y/n "I was helping some first years, when suddenly I felt-"

I wince in pain, It had hurt so much.

Y/n "C-cho? Can you g-g-go grab Cedric f-for me?"

Cho nods in agreement and runs over to the hospital room. I felt my eyes start to slowly droop, I tried my best to keep them open for Cedric.

C "Y/N!!!"I sprint in the direction I heard it and I see 4 first years and 3 second years trying to fight 3 death eaters.

Y/n "Protego!"

A large shield goes between the second years and the death eaters. As I rush them to the hospital room, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see blood gushing out from my stomach staining my clothes.

I slowly look up to see Cedric sprinting towards me. Once he gets to me he kneels to help me. Tears are pouring out of his eyes.

C "Love hold on please..."

Y/n "Cedric I'm sorry... I needed to help those kids... I couldn't let them die."

C "I know love... I know"

Y/n "Cedric... It hurts"

C "I know love, just hold on please."

He pulls me into a kiss hugging me tightly as I feel everything leave me.

Cedric's Pov:

I pulled her into a kiss holding her tightly as I felt her body go limp. I couldn't save her. I keep holding her crying as the battle ends. Then a group of people surround me.

MG "Cedric... you need to let her go"

C "But... she's okay... I s-s-swear!"

I couldn't help but choke on my tears. All I could do was lie to myself. Cho grabbed me and pulled me up into a hug. I could tell she was crying also. McGonigal slowly steps forward.

MG "Please raise your wands for Miss Y/n L/n. Not only was she a very brave student, but she was a savior. She not only saved her best friend Cho, but she helped multiple injured first and second years. She will always be missed."

From that day forward that day was a celebration for you, not only for Cho and Cedric, but for all of the teachers and students that knew and loved her.

The End. ( I know it's still bad but it's far better than the others, sorry for the torture lovelies<3)

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