George Weasley, you getting in a fight because of them, 44:

22 3 1

I finally wrote one!!!!! Enjoy lovelies!!!

You had heard some Slytherins talking while you were studying. You start to eavesdrop to hear them talking about George Weasley, your "Best friend". Then you hear them start talking about how annoying he is. You got a bit mad considering how close you guys were. They then look over and see how mad you were getting and keep going hoping to make you start something. They also start bringing in other people that you were close to. You slowly bring out your wand under the table hoping that the girls wouldn't see. You whisper the spell "Slugulus Eructo" causing one of the girls to start puking slugs. You quickly hide your wand again so no one would think it was you. (During this process you never looked up from the book you were studying) Then the other girl rushes out of the room, with girl 1. You see, out of the corner of your eye, a taller figure starts to walk over to you after the girls leave the library. When they approach you, you finally look up to see George standing next to you with his arms crossed.

Y/n "What?"

G "Don't what me y/n, I know you did that."

Y/n "Did what?"

G " *Sigh* Y/n, I know you did it, but why?"

Y/n "What?"

G "Y/n stop it. Why did you spell the girl?"

Y/n "She was talking bad about you, so, I gave her a lesson."

G "God y/n. C'mon, they are probably going to tell on you so, let's go to my dorm."

He pulls me up and helps me grab my stuff, and we walk out. Once we arrive in his dorm, he sits me down on his bed and takes my stuff from me. He then moves over to his closet, opens the door, and slides his sweatshirt off. He then turns to look at me and throws the very sweaty sweatshirt at me, hitting me in the face, and causing me to fall backward on the bed. I can hear him laugh at me as I throw the sweatshirt back at him.

Y/n "What was that for?!"

G "Pranking people is supposed to be my job."

I roll my eyes and say "Sure, but they were talking bad about you, so I had to get them back."

He runs over and jumps onto the bed, making me fly towards the pillows. We start laughing, and then I look at him and smile. He breaks eye contact after a couple of seconds.

Y/n "What's wrong?"

G "Nothing I...... y/n... I've wanted to tell you something for... A while now..... But I'm scared it'll ruin our relationship with each other..."

I give him a soft sympathetic look and reply with " George I've known you for literally forever, nothing could break our relationship whether you like it or not."

He rolls onto his back, looks at me, and says "Y/n, I've had a HUGE crush on you for a while now.... And I know what you're going to say but-"

Y/n "George, I've had a crush on you too. I've been denying it, but once you said you had a crush on me I realized I've had a big one on you too."

G "So... Is that a yes? You'll be my girlfriend?"

Y/n "Yes idiot."

For the rest of the day, we decided to just hang out and watch movies.

The End

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