Mattheo Riddle, reacting to you being tortured, 70:

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Warning: Blood, yelling, torture, etc. possibly. Please skip if you're uncomfortable with any of those topics. Also, written by me.

I opened my eyes only to see pitch-black darkness. Was I dead? I tried to move my arms only to feel something cutting deep into my skin. Okay, I'm not dead then. I looked down to see some sort of restraints digging deep into my wrists. I flinched as a sudden beam of light shot through the room interrupting my thoughts.

"Ah, You're awake. I'll go tell the dark lord now." A crazy yet happy-sounding voice called out. The figure who owned the voice, whom I knew as Bellatrix Lestrange, left the cold and dark place I was currently being kept in. The door that let light into this nearly dead room was closed leaving me in the dreaded pitch black. I continued trying to escape from the grips that held my wrists and ankles captive, squirming and fighting against them. I sighed ending my failed attempts at escape as the light filled the room once again. In walked the ugly, noseless, bald father of my lover, and behind him was the overly happy woman from earlier. 

"Bellatrix, go grab the boy." The naked rat said, his voice cold and heartless. The dark brown-haired woman almost runs out of the room to grab the boy mentioned. The noseless freak stepped closer to me, withdrawing his wand, and pressing it against my neck. I stared at him as the wand dug into my skin. I heard Bellatrix walk into the room with the man I considered mine. I tried to move from the wand's position on my neck only to be met once again with the grips tightly holding my ankles and wrists. My eyes met with Mattheo's and the only thing I saw was pure concern and fear. I gave him a small reassuring nod my eyes following him as Bellatrix placed him in a chair, tying similar restraints to his wrists and ankles. Once he was tied up, Bellatrix made her way over to me, and Mr. I'll kill a child. Joy was the only thing that showed on her face as she made her way to us. "Bellatrix, what do you want to do with her?" The cold voice of the snake asked. 

"Well, what I do best. Torture." She said withdrawing her wand as well. The wand placed on my neck was slowly removed only to be replaced with more pain. It felt as if my body was tearing in half, cuts forming all over it. I closed my eyes hissing in pain as blood dripped off of my fingers landing on the wood of the chair. I opened my eyes once the pain became bearable watching my blood-stained clothing stick to my body. As I tried to look up at Mattheo I was hit with excruciating pain. My eyes landed on the floor as I tried to focus on the tiles instead of the pain. I let out a scream, gripping my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palms. A ringing took over as it slowly grew louder. The pain kept increasing but all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. I allowed the audible sound to take control of me as the pain became worse and worse. Then, I heard nothing. Felt nothing. I allowed myself to relax, the darkness taking hold of me.


Mattheo's POV:

I watched as my lover doubled over in pain, screaming for help. I only sat there watching her, being forced to see her in pain. I watched as blood trickled down her fingers, dropping onto the wood of the chair. Her hands quickly gripped in fists as she struggled in pain. I wanted to yell, scream, hug her, and tell her it was okay, but I was frozen. Stuck, unable to move. I watched as she continued to cry out, slowly losing consciousness. Her body slumped forward and I knew what had happened. She was unconscious. I watched as my poor excuse of a mother lowered her wand pulling something out of the pocket of her cloak. She approached Y/n and brought the object to her arm. She slid the object across Y/n's forearm leaving a cut on her arm. She continued to carve into Y/n's arm slowly writing the word 'Mudblood'. 

I had tears brimming in my eyes, threatening to fall. I watched as my 'mother' continued to harm her, slashing her arms over and over again. I watched as the blood from Y/n's various cuts trickled down her arms staining the wood under them. My eyes continued to follow Bellatrix as she hurt her more and more, but my mind stayed on the one word carved into Y/n's skin. A word that will stay on her forearm forever. Mudblood. I couldn't watch Y/n get hurt any longer, especially when she couldn't defend herself. 

"LEAVE HER ALONE! HURT ME INSTEAD! PLEASE, JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yelled, pain echoing through my voice. I watched as my father turned to me anger plastered on his face. I knew why he was mad but I didn't care. Y/n truly loved me, and I loved her. I wasn't going to let anything change that.

"My son, are you becoming weak for her?" My father pointed his finger at my lover, anger filling his voice. I stayed silent not speaking a word, knowing exactly what would happen if I told the truth. "Answer me!" He yelled once again. I stared him dead in the eyes, still not making a sound. "You have become weak for her. My son, She is a mudblood." He said again his tone sounding like a curse. 

"I don't care," I said coldly. My father turned his head, looking at my 'mother' and nodded. Her smile filled her face, more evil than before. She turned to face Y/n once again, gripping the knife she used earlier in her hand. She raised her arm, the knife inches away from Y/n's abdomen. My eyes widened as I understood what she was about to do. The knife launched forward, stabbing itself into her.

"NO!" I yelled in pain. The tears in my eyes rolled down my cheeks as I stared at my lover. Blood covered her body and the chair she was being held in. I turned my attention to Bellatrix. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I screamed at her. "SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVED ME, HOW COULD YOU?" I desperately yelled hoping someone would find us. Someone would come and save us.


Y/n's POV - years later

"Mommy?" my daughter asked me. "What is that on your arm?"

I drew my eyes away from the pages of my book and looked at her. "What? Is something on my arm?" I question placing my bookmark on the pages.

She nodded pointing to my right forearm. I closed the book and brought up my arm to inspect it. All I saw was the scarred word that was carved into my arm years ago. I let out a sad sigh remembering the day that changed my life.

"You want to hear a story?" I asked my 8 year old who was placed at my side on the couch. 

"Is daddy in the story?" She eagerly asked. I nodded my head smiling.

"Yes, Daddy is in the story." I smiled looking at my beautiful girl. Her dark curls flowed down her shoulders framing her face perfectly. She placed herself right in front of me, snuggling into my arms. I looked down at her seeing her face closely resemble his. Closely resembling my lover, my husband, and My Mattheo. 

The End.

I hope you enjoyed it because that took me a while to write. In the end, the story is 1,300 words long. My longest one shot!!!! I truly did my best and I hope you liked it <3 Mwah.

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