Fred Weasley, detention with Umbridge, 66:

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Written by ImaraRidde, really good!!! Enjoy!

Umbridge wanted to punish Fred for helping Harry break into her office, so one day she called you down to her office after classes were over.

Your Pov:

I walk in the door and see Umbridge sitting at her desk.

U "Ah, Miss L/n, come in and have a seat."

I sit in a chair placed at the center of the room and wait for her to explain what she wants me for.

U "You may know that your boyfriend, Fred, recently helped Harry Potter break into my office."

I nod.

U "Well, I've been trying to think of a way to punish him for that, and the best way I can seem to figure out is through you."

Y/n "What do you mean professor?"

U "I mean that your boyfriend is going to watch while I torture you and he can do nothing about it. Incarcerous!"

Ropes shoot out of the end of her wand and wrap around me, tying me to the chair. I struggle against them but it's no use. I just sit there and watch helplessly as Umbridge summons Fred to her office.

When he walks in he immediately sees me tied to the chair and his eyes widen.

F "What are you doing? Let her go!"

U "No. Incarcerous."

Once again, ropes fly out of her wand and they tighten around Fred. Umbridge turns to me and points her wand threateningly.

U "Sectumsempra!"

My skin is on fire as blood pours from the cuts appearing all over my body. I scream and see the pain in Fred's eyes.

F "No! Please! Don't hurt her, torture me instead!" tears are streaming down his face as he begs, but Umbridge ignores him.

U "Cruicio!"

My body is racked with even more pain and I scream louder. The pain is almost too much to bear now. Then Fred is suddenly on his feet with his wand pointed at Umbridge.

F "Petrificus Totalus!" Umbridge's body goes rigid and she falls over. Fred rushes to my side and gently lifts me into his arms.

Y/n "Everything hurts so much Freddie."

F "I know darling, I'm going to take you to the hospital wing, try and hold on for me."

My breath is coming in short gasps now, and I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. It doesn't help that Fred is running, which jostles me around and makes me yelp in pain. We finally reach the hospital wing and Fred shouts for Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey comes running towards us, ushering Fred to lay me on a bed.

M/p "What happened?"

F "Umbridge. She cruciod her and used sectumsempra."

M/p "That woman is unhinged, I'll have to speak to Dumbledore about this."

Now I can barely keep my eyes open, and I relent to the exhaustion.

When I wake up, it's pitch black outside, but I can vaguely make out the shape of Fred slumped in a chair next to me. Everything aches, but I don't think I'm bleeding anymore. I try to sit up, but I groan and collapse back on the bed.

F "Y/n, what are you doing!? You shouldn't be moving!"

Y/n "I was trying to sit up, but that failed."

F "You're not strong enough yet, you lost too much blood. Try to go back to sleep, please. Do you want me to cuddle you?"

I nod and he climbs into the bed with me. He wraps his arms around me, and before I know it, I'm asleep.

I wake up when it's morning and find Fred gone. Madam Pomfrey sees I'm awake and rushes over.

M/p "Fred has gone to talk to Dumbledore about Umbridge, how are you feeling?"

Y/n "I'm sore but a lot better. Thank you, you've done so much for me."

M/p "It's my job, dear."

The door to the hospital wing opens and Dumbledore walks in, Fred trailing closely behind.

D "Miss L/n, I'm sorry you had to experience what you did. I've talked to the minister about it, but he doesn't believe my claims, so there's nothing I can do except make sure you're kept far away from her since he has unfortunately revoked my ability to fire staff."

Y/n "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, I know you're doing the best you can."

D "I believe you are allowed to leave now, and I ask that you escort her to her dorm Mr. Weasley."

F "Yes, Professor."

Fred and I walk to my dorm and I face-plant onto my bed. I sit up and look at Fred.

Y/n "Cuddles?" I make grabby hands at him and do puppy dog eyes.

F "Fine, cuddles." and we climb into bed.

The end

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