Draco Malfoy, detention with Umbridge, 63:

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Written by ImaraRiddle <3 Hello once again love <3. It's a really good story too.

Umbridge had never liked that you were dating Draco. She felt like you got in the way of his Inquisitorial Squad duties. So she decided that she needed to get rid of you. You were passing her office on the way to charms when she pulled you in.

U "Y/n, dear, I think it's time you and I have a little chat."

Y/n "Excuse me Professor, but I'm going to be late to class."

U "Never mind that now. I'd like to talk to you about Draco, you see, you're distracting him, and I need you out of the way."

Y/n "What goes on with Draco and I is none of your business!"

U "Oh, but it is when you keep him from getting his work done."

She stands up and pulls a piece of parchment out of her drawer.

She grabs one of her quills and starts writing on it. In a second, you see the phrase, 'I must not be distracting' carving itself into your hand. Umbridge continues to write as you start to cry. Suddenly, she picks up the paper and rips it in half, causing you to scream with pain. Then she rips it again, and again, continuing to rip the paper as you let out a scream each time. Finally, the paper is too small for her to rip anymore, and my hand is drenched with my blood. My legs are too weak to stand and I sink to the floor as Umbridge slowly pulls her wand out and points it at me.

U "Sectumsempra"

My whole body is on fire and I scream again, louder and longer than before, then suddenly Draco is running in here and I hear him yelling at Umbridge as I slowly black out.

When I wake up, I'm in the hospital wing with Draco in a chair next to my bed, holding my hands. My whole body aches and I can hardly move. I groan and Draco stirs beside me.

D "Princess, you're awake."

I smile faintly at him and open my mouth to say something, but it hurts so much that I quickly close it again with a groan.

D "Don't try to talk now, you're so weak, just try to sleep some more."

I manage a nod and close my eyes again.

The next time I woke up, Draco was right next to me on the bed with his arms wrapped around me. I move very slowly and turn to face him, but the motion wakes him up.

D "You're awake again!"

Y/n "I still feel like I've been run over by a train though."

Draco's smile fades and he looks at me seriously.

D "You nearly died Y/n, I was so scared."

Y/n "I'm sorry."

D "No, I'm the one who should be sorry, it's my fault you got into this mess."

Y/n " No it's not, it's Umbridge's. What happened after I passed out, by the way?"

D "Well, I may have stunned Umbridge so that I could bring you here. Don't worry though," he adds, spotting the look on my face. "She was fired. She'll never be able to hurt you again."

Y/n "Thank you, Draco, you've done so much for me. I love you!"

D "I love you too Princess."

Then he kisses me gently.

The end

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