Neville Longbottom, you getting in a fight because of them, 40:

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Written by ImaraRiddle.

Neville's Pov

You were walking through a corridor when you heard people in the courtyard chanting Y/n's name. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" Immediately you ran to see what was going on. You fought your way through the crowd of people and saw her in a full-fledged fight with Pansy Parkinson.

"Y/n! What are you doing?" you asked, and very unlike yourself, you pulled Y/n out, not even caring if you got hurt. You carried her up to your dorm and into the bathroom, sitting her on the counter. "What on earth were you doing Y/n!?

"She insulted you," Y/n said simply. "No one gets to do that."

"I love that you want to stand up for me, flower, but I don't want you getting hurt"

 "But she called you stupid."

"Just because someone calls me something does not mean you have to get in a fight about it."

"Yes, it does! No one gets to insult my Neville!"

You chuckle slightly and kiss Y/n gently. "People insult me all the time, but you don't see me getting in fights, do you? Next time, please just ignore them and don't get hurt."


The end

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