Tom Riddle, 03:

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This is once again written by my best friend ImaraRiddle so please, please, please go check her out. Thank you, my lovelies, <3 Also, *Bad words and cheating*

Tom is your boyfriend, and you love him to death, but that's the one thing that scares him. He's worried he'll fall in love with you and his father will be able to use you against him, so he decides he needs to push you away. The best way he could think to do this was by cheating on you, so one day he brought Daphne Greengrass to his dorm and started making out with her while he knew you were on your way over.

Y/n Pov

I walk into Tom's dorm only to immediately stop and drop my bag because of the sight I see, My boyfriend Tom Riddle making out with my enemy Daphne Greengrass.

Y/n "What are you doing, you lying son of a b****!?"

T "Exactly what it looks like I'm doing."

Tears start streaming down my face, but I wipe them away fiercely, I don't want Tom to see how much this hurts me. I've expected him to do something like this ever since we started dating since I knew he'd never been with other girls for very long. I had started to think our relationship was different because we'd been together for six months, but not anymore.

Y/n "How could you Tom? I thought you had changed, but I was wrong. You are a monster like everyone else thinks. We're done!"

With that, I turn on my heel and storm back to my dorm, where I slam my door and break down sobbing.

Tom's Pov

I stare blankly at the door where Y/n had stood moments before. What had I done? How could I do that to her?

T "Get out Daphne!"

D "But we were having fun before Y/n came and ruined it."


I was fuming mad. Mad at myself for doing that to Y/n, the only girl I'd ever loved and the only girl who hadn't thought I was a monster until now. I could never forgive myself. Now she hates me! I lay down on my bed and let myself cry, I don't even care if it's showing weakness. I ended up falling asleep and didn't wake up until the afternoon the next day, so I missed all my classes.

Y/n Pov

I cried myself to sleep that night, but when I woke up I determined I was not going to look back on this relationship, I didn't care what happened to Tom. I'm able to keep this up until I walk into the great hall for breakfast and notice Tom's not there. He's always one of the first people into the great hall each morning, what could have happened? Is he sick, or hurt? Dang it Y/n, it hasn't even been a full day and you're already missing him, what's wrong with you!? The same thing goes for the whole day. Tom doesn't show up to any classes, and I begin to worry. By dinnertime, I've decided to go check up on him once I've eaten.


I walk quietly down the hall to Tom's dorm and gently knock on the door.

T "Go away."

His voice is hoarse like he hasn't spoken all day and has been crying. I open the door a crack and peer in. He's lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

T "I thought I told you to go aw-"

He looked up and saw me standing there and burst into tears.

T "Y/n, I'm s-s-so s-sorry." His voice trembling.

Y/n "Shh." I shush him in hopes of calming him down.

I walk over to him and pull him into a hug.

T "Why are you here?"

Y/n "I didn't see you all day so I got worried. Tom, can you please explain one thing to me? Why did you do it?"

T "Because I was scared."

Y/n "Of what?"

T "Loving you and my father using you against me, so I decided I had to push you away."

Y/n "There are better ways you could have done that Tom. You could have told me how you were feeling."

T "I... didn't think of that, I'm sorry. The only way I could think of was cheating on you so you'd be upset and stay away. I realize now that it hurt both of us. I love you Y/n, will you please forgive me?"

Y/n "Yes Tom, I will. I love you too."

Tom kisses you gently on the lips and you guys cuddle until you fall asleep.

The end

Thank you for reading!!! Also, if you liked it please go blow up ImaraRiddle, she deserves so much <3 thank you lovely. Also, CHEATING IS NOT OKAY!!!!!!!!! IT NEVER HAS BEEN AND NEVER WILL BE!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.

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