Neville Longbottom, detention with Umbridge,59:

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Written by ImaraRiddle, so, so, so good.

You tended to be a more outspoken person, especially when you were passionate about something. This got you into trouble all the time, much to the exasperation of your boyfriend Neville.

In DADA with Umbridge, as Harry is yelling at her

H "So you won't do your job and teach us how to defend ourselves from what's waiting out there?"

U "Nothing is waiting out there, who would want to attack innocent children?"

H "Oh I don't know, Maybe Lord Voldemort!"

U "Let me make myself quite clear, You-know-who has not returned, and anyone who says otherwise is lying."

Y/n "No they're not! You're lying you slimy son of a sea biscuit! Harry is telling the truth, Voldemort is back!"

N "Y/n! What are you doing!"

Umbridge is shaking with anger now, and I can tell this won't end well. I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but I don't care, someone has to stand up to this piece of trash.

U "Detention, Miss L/n! Come to my office after classes today!"

I glare at Umbridge but sit back down.

N "Now what have you gotten yourself into, I don't want you getting hurt!"

Neville's looking at me with his puppy dog eyes now, and I have to look away otherwise I might start feeling guilty.

Y/n "Someone has to stand up to her, the filthy mutated sewer rat!"

I can tell Neville is fighting hard not to laugh at my ridiculous insults while still trying to seem stern.

N "One of these days your recklessness is going to catch up to you!"

Y/n "Well then I'll yell at it to go away."

N "You're gonna be the death of me Y/n!"

Y/n "That's why you love me."


I walk into Umbridge's office and see a desk with a quill and parchment on it.

U "Miss L/n, have a seat. You're going to be writing some lines for me."

Y/n "What am I writing and how many times?"

U "How about, 'I must not talk back' 50 times, and, know now that I expect you to write every single one."

I start writing but have barely written the sentence two times before my left-hand starts burning. I look down and see the words that I wrote are carving themselves into my skin. I wince a little, but I know there's more pain to come. I turn back to the page and continue writing, ignoring the pain in my hand. I'm determined not to react, not to give this oversized toad the satisfaction of victory. I manage to reach 20 times before a small sob escapes my lips. The pain is almost unbearable now. I know Umbridge is watching me, so I grit my teeth and keep going. By the time I reach 30, the tears start and I'm fighting hard not to scream.

U "Feeling sorry for ourselves, are we? You should remember this and keep your mouth shut next time."

Y/n "I'll do that the next time you admit Harry is telling the truth."

U "I guess we'll be seeing quite a lot of each other then, won't we?"

I glare at her and continue writing. The tears continue streaming down my face, but I don't make a sound. I finally reach fifty and see that my hand is entirely covered in blood.

Neville's Pov

I walk quickly to Professor McGonagall's office and knock on the door.

P/m "Come in."

I enter and she looks up at me from behind her desk.

N "Professor, there's something you need to know about."

And with that, I tell her about everything that happened with Y/n. When I'm finished Professor McGonagall looks very grim.

P/m "I will have to take this matter to the headmaster, Longbottom."

I nod and walk back to the common room, where I find Y/n asleep on a couch. I move her over slightly before lying down and wrapping my arms around her. I gently kiss the top of her head, and soon fall asleep myself.


Dumbledore was furious when he found out what Umbridge had done, so to make a long story short, Umbridge was fired, and no one will ever have to worry about her hurting them again.

The end

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