George Weasley, detention with Umbridge, 64:

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Written by ImaraRiddle, enjoy!!!

Fred and George had been pulling a lot more pranks than usual on Umbridge, and detention wasn't affecting them, so she decided to go a step further. She knew that Fred was dating Angelina Johnson, and you were dating George, so one day she had the Inquisitorial Squad bring both of you to her office.

Y/n "Get off of me Malfoy! And Blaise, let go of Angelina!"

Both of them just laughed as you struggled in their grip.

U "Thank you, boys, you may leave now."

They throw you on the ground before leaving, and Umbridge turns to both of you.

A "What do you want us for?"

U "Well, both of your little boyfriends have been causing trouble, and giving them detention isn't doing anything."

Y/n "Well that's not surprising, seeing as they don't even bother to show up half the time."

Umbridge turns and slaps you across the face.

U "Be quiet you insolent girl! Since that doesn't seem to faze them, I realized that I needed to get to them some other way, through you."

She waves her wand, and two desks appear with a quill and parchment on them.

U "Now, you are going to write, 'My boyfriend needs punishment' 75 times each. Go ahead and get started."

Angelina and I know what is going to happen based on our boyfriend's experiences, but we can't see a way out, so we sit down and start writing. I'm able to reach about 15 times before I start crying, but it all goes downhill from there. Soon both Angelina and I are in tears, and we start screaming.

George's Pov

Fred and I were walking around, trying to come up with a good prank to pull on Umbridge, while also looking for our girlfriends. We hadn't seen any sign of them, so we decided to start asking around. We found Angelina's best friend Katie Bell and asked her if she'd seen either of them.

K "Last I saw them they were being dragged out of charms by Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini."

Fred and I look at each other, knowing this isn't a good sign.

F "Thanks Katie, see you around."

We turn away and start walking to Umbridge's office.

G "What do you think she wants with them?"

F "I don't know, but whatever it is it can't be good."

We reach the corridor her office is in, and we can hear two girls screaming. I look at Fred with dread filling me. We both sprint to her office door, barging in just in time to hear her yell:


Y/n and Angelina are crumpled on the ground, and I can see both of their hands are bleeding profusely while they continue screaming.

G "What are you doing!? You can't use an Unforgivable Curse on students!"

U "Don't tell me what I can and can't do Mr. Weasley. It's your fault their being punished. You see, if you and your brother here hadn't been misbehaving so badly there wouldn't have been any need, but since none of my punishments were working on you I decided to try hurting them instead."

F "They haven't done anything wrong, let them go and torture us instead!"

U "Oh, but it hurts you so much more to see them suffering."

Suddenly, I couldn't bear it anymore and I yell

G "Stupify!"

Umbridge falls to the ground and Fred and I rush to our injured girlfriends.

Y/n Pov

I can barely see or hear anything when George kneels at my side. My whole body is throbbing, but my left hand is worst of all.

G "Y/n, it's ok, I'm here now, she can't hurt you anymore."

I try to nod my head in thanks, but even that takes too much out of me, and the world fades to black.

* * *

I wake up to sunlight streaming through the window, and I realize I'm in the burrow. I still ache all over, but the pain is more bearable. I hear a door open, and George comes into view.

G "Y/n, darling, you're awake!!"

Y/n " Barely, what happened?"

G "Well, Fred and I brought you both here after you passed out because we didn't want you anywhere near Umbridge when she woke up."

I look to my right and see Angelina still sleeping peacefully.

G "She's still working at the school, but your parents permitted for you to stay here until she's gone."

Y/n "Thank you, George, you've done so much for me, for both of us."

G "No problem, I love you."

Y/n "I love you too."

The end

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