Cedric Diggory, you getting in a fight because of them, 46:

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So I wrote this one and when I say there's a long paragraph I mean a LONG paragraph. 

So, people were talking about how they don't think Cedric should've made it as far as he has in the Triwizard tournaments. You thought he deserved everything he had achieved so far, considering he was your boyfriend. When you heard this you immediately got mad because they didn't know how much pressure mentally, physically, and emotionally was put on the people competing. Cedric had been dealing with the pressure getting to his head, causing him to get more frequent panic attacks and just mental breakdowns in general. Lately to help him you've been training with him and sticking with him even in the really sad and difficult times. He started second guessing himself saying he doesn't deserve you and sometimes even blocking you out of his life because he feels he doesn't deserve someone so beautiful of a person as you. Even then you stuck with him. So you told the group to just wait because their minds would change very quickly. All they did was roll their eyes and snicker at you. You decided to throw a quick punch because you were so mad. One of the girls who was talking snapped their head back from the impact and fell backward. You look at the rest of the group and say that if they say that your boyfriend deserves less than he has achieved so far, you'll punch them in the face too. Heading back to your dorm, you see Cedric standing in the archway leading to the courtyard where you punched the girl. You could see he was just standing there with his jaw hanging wide open.

C "L-love? Why did you punch that girl?"

Y/n "They said you didn't deserve what you had achieved so far. So, I knocked some sense into her."

You walk over to Cedric and say "Darling, I want you to know that you deserve everything you've worked on in the tournament so far. You have worked day and night to get what you have. Everything you have right now you worked hard for. That's why I love you because you are sweet and never give up."

He kisses me on the cheek and says "I couldn't have done any of it without you. You've stuck with me the entire time and..... I don't think I could've ever asked for a better girl. Just please, next time don't punch someone. I don't want to risk you possibly getting hurt too, my love."

The End

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