Oliver Wood, reacting to you being alive, 21:

56 3 4

No Trigger warnings. Was written by me.

Oliver's Pov:

I was lying in my dorm room. It had been a month since the incident. At some points, it got easier, but today it felt like I had to restart all of the pain again. It was her birthday, The day I was planning on showing her how much I truly loved her, the day our lives were going to change forever, the day I wanted to propose. I started thinking of all the things I was planning on doing for her today, as tears slowly started forming in my eyes, not long later running down my cheeks. I step up from my bed and go to my closet. I open the door and grab the sweater of mine she always wore. It still smelled like her and her perfume. I layed back on the bed squeezing the sweater as tight as I could. About an hour passed and I calmed down a bit, I walked over to her dorm hoping to find the box of pictures she had kept of us. Once I arrive at the dorm, I open the door to see her room. The room where we would talk to each other about anything and everything, the room where I would find her scattering pictures all over, the room where I would see her peacefully sleeping every holiday morning. I go over and sit on her bed slowly opening her nightstand drawer to not only see two, but 3 small boxes labeled "My favorite pictures" on top. I couldn't help but smile.

I open one of the boxes to see they are all of her and Harry. I place it back in the drawer and open the next one, they are all of me. I blush a bit and place it back down. I grab the last box and open it. A large grin spreads across my face, they are all of me and her. I start going through them laughing and saying what happened the day we took each of them. About 2 hours later I reached the end of the box. I start to pick them up and hear a faint knock. Thinking it was Harry, I got up and opened the door. I look out to see y/n standing there. Tears immediately flood my eyes.

"How... I-I saw you..."

"Well, apparently magic can do about anything."

I can't stop myself. I sprint over to her and pick her up spinning her around then giving her a tight hug. I feel tears running down my face as I slowly kiss her head.

"Don't ever do that again."

"You know I can't make promises." She says laughing.

Your Pov:

As the door opened I waited in anticipation. Barely 20 minutes ago I was dead. Then someone came around, decided to do a little bibbity bobbity boo, and boom I'm alive. Once the door was fully open I saw the sad boy I called mine standing there. I smile slowly hoping nothing too crazy would happen. He slowly looks up and immediately I can tell tears start forming. (I didn't secretly cry)

"How....I-I saw you.."

"Well, apparently magic can do about anything," I say laughing.

Then in a split second, he sprints, towards me picks me up, spins me around, and pulls me into the tightest hug I've ever felt, then gives me a small kiss on my head. I smile into his chest not wanting to let go.

"Never do that again." He says

I smile and reply "No promises." For I knew I would spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.

Oliver's Pov:

She was okay. I then think, Today. It's the day.

"Love? Wanna have dinner tonight?"

"Of course, Love! I would love to! What time?"

"6:00, I'll pick you up at your dorm ok?"

"Okay love!"

Y/n's Pov:

Now time to go tell Harry. God, I'm going to be killed. As I slowly approach his dorm I get more excited to see him again.

I get to his dorm and knock on the door. I hear footsteps heading to the door. The door slowly opens, and I see Harry. My idiot of a twin brother. For a couple of seconds, he stares me dead in the eyes as tears slowly fill them. I open up my arms and he runs straight into them.

"B-b-but I-I thought..."

"Someone came by, did some bibbity bobbity boo, and now I'm ok."

He laughed and then we hugged for a couple more seconds. Then Ron and Hermione come over and see me. (All of you were pretty close)


They say running into the hug.

"Yep, now I am."

The End (Sorry this sucks)

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