V1 - Chapter 2: Obnoxious Monkey

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The second day started the first day of classes. Students quickly figured out that the teacher would not reprimand them for misbehaving. So a few periods into the day, numerous students were doing whatever they wanted. Yamauchi was busy reading a manga on a tablet he bought yesterday, Ike was staring dreamily at the buzzard's thighs, Karuizawa was busy texting on her phone, and so on.

One interesting thing to note was Sudo's unexpected behavior, or at least that's what most of the class would think. But Sudo was sitting in his seat staring forward with empty eyes. I guess losing all your money for the month would do that to most. Of course some individuals would take it as an opportunity to begin formulating ways to garner more points. However, I highly doubted he had the mental capacity to fix his situation.

On the other hand, some students actually listened to the lesson. My seatmate, Horikita, was one of those individuals. She studiously wrote down notes.

As for myself, it was clear that this class was done regarding points for the next month, so I spent my time reading the entire rule manual for the school. Knowing every rule would be beneficial, especially in regards to the three seniors I had my eyes on. It took under a period to finish the entire manual. So for the rest of the time, I sat bored staring out the window.

Once the period passed, it was officially lunch time. Horikita seemed concerned about something, judging from her reaction.

"This school is far too lenient," she muttered under her breath.

At least someone noticed. However, that seemed to be the extent of her abilities. I got up from my seat and walked to the cafeteria. There were a few things I wanted to confirm. The cafeteria was bustling with students happily chatting away. I went toward where the meals were, and just as I had suspected, there were free meals. I chose the free meal to conserve some points and found a random seat away from other students. I was eating while observing the types of students around me.

"Hey," a voice came from my side and I turned my head to see who it was. The student was Sudo with the free vegetable meal along with Ike and Yamauchi. "Can we sit here?"

"Seriously dude, this guy?" Ike asked.

"I'll have you know he's a cool dude," Sudo said.

Yamauchi looked me up and down and said "well, he looks dumber than me so he must be a good dude."

Ike narrowed his eyes, lowered his head to match my gaze, and asked "are you going after Kushida?"

"No?" I replied.

Ike burst into a smile and said "you're right! He is a cool dude!"

"Thanks I guess?" I replied, uncertain of what I should say to that. I suppose I have won over both Ike and Yamauchi somehow. So the three sat at the table.

"Have you seen Sakura's tits bro?" Yamauchi asked shamelessly.

"Nah, I only have eyes for my angel Kushida!" Ike replied.

Sudo was poking a green bean with his fork when Yamauchi asked "how about you, Sudo?"

"Huh?" Sudo made a stupid noise, "um, not really I was preoccupied this morning."

Yamauchi looked disappointed, however he recovered and turned to me "so how about you...wait what's your name?"

Ike laughed and said "dude how do you not remember someone's name."

"Oh yeah? What's his name then?"

Ike was about to respond, but he realized he didn't know, "actually, I don't know. Are you even in our class?"

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