V2 - Prologue: Horikita's Struggle

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Chasing. That's what my whole life has been. I've been chasing after my brother's footprints, trying to receive even the slightest amount of acknowledgement. Whether it be from my parents or my brother, no one would look at me. No matter how well I did, it was always the same. My brother was better. Therefore, my accomplishments didn't matter.

I suppose that's how I became so fixated on chasing my brother. Because my parents didn't acknowledge my efforts, I turned to him. At one point he did acknowledge my existence, so I strived to maintain that attention. I began replicating him. If I could be like him he would be pleased with me. Therefore, because he was so excellent, I must be the same way. I figured that I would not only get the attention of my brother, but also my parents.

So, I began participating in the same activities as him. I read the same books as him. I adopted a similar manner of speaking. I studied like him. I tried everything to be just like him.

The first thing I attempted was academics. My brother was the top of his class. In fact, he managed to become top of the nation. So I strived to become top of the nation for my grade level. However, that failed. I remember always seeing the same names above me in the national exams again and again. I had only managed to become top of my class. I had fallen short.

Then, I tried Judo. My brother ranked nationally in Judo so I tried to emulate that. I joined and struggled. I learned and learned, practiced and practiced, and yet I never came close to the top of the dojo, let alone the nation for my age group. A second time I had failed.

No matter how much I copied him, it felt like he was getting further and further away from me. It didn't help that he became cold toward me. In order to continue striving toward him, I adopted this cold persona. However, this still did not work. My brother refused to even acknowledge me. Even though I went to the same middle school, he acted like I didn't exist. I wanted to call out to him. But I couldn't. That isn't something he would do. That isn't how he would act. So, I drowned in replicating his actions.

Later, he joined the student council, so I tried joining the student council. I failed. It seemed like no matter what I did to reach him, it seemed like I always fell short. That time proved it again.

Then, another opportunity presented itself. He joined the Karate club, so I joined the club. He excelled in the club, quickly learning everything. I, on the other hand, struggled to learn it. No matter how much I practiced, he would always widen the gap further. Once more I had failed.

Then, I heard news that shocked me to my core. My brother was going to ANHS. That meant he was leaving me behind and I couldn't copy him. I wanted to beg him to not leave. But I knew I had to keep my persona. If I broke it, the distance would only grow between us. So, he left for ANHS. I vowed I would go too. So I studied and studied. I prepared myself for everything. The exams and interviews would not stop me from seeing my brother again. I had to receive his acknowledgement, no matter what it took.

Then, I got accepted into ANHS. I had reached the school I was striving toward. Of course, I wasn't happy because I was accepted into the top school of Japan, I was happy because I would finally be able to strive for acknowledgement from my brother again.

I was excited to enter the school, but I couldn't show it. I had to maintain my stoicism. Then, an incident occurred. The X incident. A brilliant student had come to the school. A student so exceptional, he beat the student council vice president. A student that risked something for me. This student would probably attract the attention of my brother. I knew he would. After all, X was clearly superior to me. A student able to completely outmaneuver the vice president and win spoke volumes to that. I knew if I challenged the vice president I would lose. It was clear when he walked into Class D that day. He had figured out X's connection to the club fair in an instant. In fact, he also could read people based on whether they were lying like it was nothing. The man was clearly brilliant. More brilliant than I could ever be.

So, I continued on with my school days. However, something began to eat away at me when I entered the school. The school was far too lenient. It didn't make sense to me. This was a school for elites. And yet there were students who behaved like animals in a zoo. Nothing made sense. I couldn't figure it out. Eventually, I pushed it away. If I couldn't figure it out, it must have been me overthinking things.

Thus, I spent the rest of April doing my regular routine. Then, May 1st arrived. I suppose if asked when everything truly began, I would say this day without hesitation. May 1st is when all Hell broke loose and when I, no not just me, everyone witnessed what true Hell looked like.

A/n: That's right, I posted two today. But that's only because it was a prologue and epilogue. So don't expect that to happen again for some time.

Volume 2 will be longer than volume 1. Volume 1 was a setup volume, and this is where the true essence of the story will truly begin. 

As always, feel free to give any suggestions.

911 words

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