V2 - Chapter 2: Project White Wings Continues

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A/n: Sorry for not posting yesterday. I had one of my finals yesterday and I was studying and had to take it, so yeah.

Naoe headed to a party to celebrate the recent victory they had achieved. The party was filled with important individuals globally, so Naoe took great care in his appearance.

"Ah! Mr. Naoe, it is a pleasure to see you again!" Koenji said.

"Mr. Koenji, it is great to see you again as well. I heard that your son enrolled into ANHS."

"ANHS? Ah yes, Rokusuke went after being ordered."

"So he didn't want to go?"

"No, I'm afraid not. The boy seems to have a very high level of self-love."

"Hm...that is a problem."

"Indeed. If he doesn't correct that, I'm afraid he will struggle when he takes over the business."

"Quite," Naoe said, agreeing. "How are your daughters? Are they faring any better?"

"Significantly better I would say. One of them will be enrolling into ANHS next year."

"Another one? How interesting," Naoe trails off before asking "if your daughter is doing so well, why not let her take over the business?"

"It's tempting, but Rokusuke's abilities are leagues beyond her's."

"Is that so? I suppose if your son does overcome his self-love, then he would be the better option."

"Indeed," Koenji trails off and another man walks over.

"Mr. Naoe and Mr. Koenji, it has been too long!" The man says with a smile.

"Mr. Kanzaki, it's good to see you again!" Koenji greets Kanzaki with a beaming smile. "We were just discussing my son enrolling into ANHS."

"Oh yes, I heard of that," Kazaki says.

"Didn't your son also enroll?" Koenji asks.

"Yes, Ryuuji enrolled. I do hope he fixes his issues so he can take over the engineering firm."

"Yes, you wouldn't want someone incompetent," Naoe adds.

"Yes, Ryuuji needs to find the drive for something. I do hope ANHS gives him that."

"I'm sure it will, I doubt Mr. Sakayanagi would allow him to not improve," Koenji says.

"Is Mr. Sakayanagi here?" Naoe asks.

"He should be arriving shortly. He was probably held up late by business," Koenji guessed.

"The boss certainly likes using him," Kanzaki says to no one in particular.

"Yes, the boss likes utilizing him quite a lot," Naoe confirms.

Then Sakayanagi walked through the doors and spotted the group. He walked over with a smile.

"I apologize for being late, a situation is occurring at ANHS," Sakayanagi says.

"No problem, ANHS is very important for this country," Koenji says.

"A situation?" Naoe asks.

"Yes, let's just say a few students are starting a war in the first year," Sakayanagi answers.

"A war?" Naoe asks with furrowed eyebrows.


"It's only the second month, this new batch of students are quite zealous," Koenji says and takes a sip of champagne.

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