V3 - Chapter 1: Blackmail

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I walked into my classroom to see seven desks. It appeared that no movements were made for the desks and they were left in their original spots. I sat at my desk and pulled out my phone to do research into the current landscape of the political world. I guess old habits die hard.

Slowly, the other students of the class entered and sat down. It seemed that everyone was affected by last week's events. Everyone except Koenji of course. For one reason or another, the events seemed to not exist in his world. Like he was above them. Of course, I would eventually drag him down with everyone else. However, I have to focus on my next goal.

Horikita then said, "did you receive any private points this month?"

"No, it appears that we will be without points for another month," I replied.

"More like you will be."

Right. She believes I have zero private points.

"No need to be rude," I said.

Horikita glanced away and I continued looking at the reports. It appears that Naoe has disappeared. How interesting. Based on what I learned about him, it only made sense. He never seemed very intelligent to me. So if he was eliminated, I wouldn't be surprised. He was a prime target. Even someone like Ryuen could outsmart him.

Then Chabashira entered the room and looked over the room, gauging our reactions.

"Does anyone have any questions before we begin?" Chabashira asked.

Of course, only two people would likely ask questions now. Kushida because of her persona, and Yukimura if it regarded academics. Horikita never asked anything prior to last week, and since nothing changed for her, that would continue. Koenji is Koenji. Hirata seems dead inside right now. Wang seems like she's too concerned for Hirata to care about anything else. And lastly, myself. No further explanation needed.

However, both Yukimura and Kushida stayed silent.

"Class points for the month have been posted, so you can view that sometime," Chabashira said.

I immediately looked at it. Class A had 1,092. Class B had 952. Class C had 283. And Class D had 0. How unsurprising.

I noticed Horikita glare at me because I was using my phone, but it didn't really matter at this point. We had 0 class points. Simple as that. Nothing would change that fact. We simply had to wait for another opportunity to rise the ranks.

And so, the day's lessons began. After the lessons I headed to my club. I wonder what my clubmates will think about Sotomura's expulsion? Would they be saddened? Enraged?

I entered the club room and saw the club president staring at a screen blankly.

"Senpai?" I got his attention.

Nagase glanced at me and said "oh, Ayanokoji. You're back huh?"

"Is something the matter?" I asked.

"Is something the matter?" Nagase asked quietly. "Did you seriously just ask that? Aren't you in the same class as Hideo?"

It appears my assumption was right, he was upset about Sotomura's expulsion.

I averted my gaze and said "I had to deal with 33 expulsions, of course I'm affected."

Nagase looked guilty and said "I'm sorry, I was too harsh. You just got back after locking yourself away and experienced that tragedy."

"It's fine."

Nagase sighed and returned to staring at his screen. He was heavily distraught by it all. He truly does feel for his club members. A truly good president.

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