V2 - Chapter 5: Chaotic Symphony

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Shiro slowly walked over and took off his mask. Then, he threw the mask at me and within less than a millisecond had closed the distance with an attempted strike at my head. I of course blocked it easily.

Shiro lept back and sighed. "I see some things never change."

"I suppose," I said.

The two of us fell into silence. I suppose the two of us didn't know what to say to each other. After our last meeting, our friendship had been damaged.

"Kiyotaka," Shiro spoke up.

"Yes?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"Are you really Kiyotaka?"

"What a strange question, of course I am."

I didn't quite understand why Shiro asked.

Shiro stared at me, "I suppose you would be. Sorry for the strange question."

"It's fine," I said. "Should we go somewhere to sit?"

"Probably," he said.

So, the two of us walked with me in the front and Shiro trailing slightly behind. I found a bench and took a seat. Shiro also took a seat.

"Kiyotaka..." Shiro began but trailed off.

"How is Yuki?" I asked.

Shiro had a conflicted look on his face.

"It's fine, I get the picture," I said.

"Sorry. I...I just can't seem to talk about it," Shiro said.

"It affected both of us heavily."

"Yes, yes it did."

And we fell into silence again. I suppose it makes sense. Our reunion wasn't any dramatic moment. There was no miraculous event with Yuki. We just met. Simple as that. Nothing changed. Therefore, this was bound to happen.

I finally decided to ask the question weighing most heavily on my mind. "Why?"

Shiro looked over at me and asked "what do you mean?"

"I mean why now? Nothing has changed. We are the same as we were before."

Shiro stared into the full moon and said "I suppose you're right."

"Then why?" I asked with a colder voice.

"Because, you'll destroy yourself. I know you will."

"Don't give me that shit Shiro," I said and glared at him. "Destroy myself? What would you know? You left the White Room before we were 10. I'm not the same person from before."

"The fact that you say that is proof enough."

"Shiro...why are you always like this? Why do you pretend to not care until we reach our lowest moments? Why?"

Shiro stared into the bright moon and said "I don't know."


"I don't know. I don't think I have any reason for why I do."

"Impossible. Everyone has reasons for all their actions," I said with great conviction.

"Kiyotaka," Shiro said and stared at me. "Have you ever considered that people may do something without any deeper motive?"

"Of course not. People live based on motives. Not one person in this world does an action without reason."

Shiro looked with pitying eyes and said "you really haven't changed."

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