V2 - Chapter 11: The State of Class D

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I walked into the classroom and took my seat. Normally this wouldn't be noteworthy, but for some reason numerous people were staring at me.

"Look who decided to show back up again," Horikita said.

"Weren't you practically begging me almost every day to come back?" I shot back.

Horikita flushed slightly and sputtered "look! I did it for the class! Don't get the wrong idea!"

"Sure," I said, knowing full well she was just embarrassed.

"Ayanokoji!" Kushida came walking over with her overly fake smile.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"I was just going to ask if you were okay?"

"I was hospitalized, what do you think?"

Kushida had a strained smile and said "sorry for being insensitive."

I didn't respond and simply looked around the classroom. There were many vegetables taking up desks around the room. The vegetable identities were Miyamoto, Shinohara, Hondo, Yamauchi, Okitani, Sato, Ike, Ijuin, Sudo, Makida, both Minamis, Azuma, Ishikura, Ichihashi, Sonoda, Nishimura, Onizuka, Kikuchi, Rino, Maezono, Ishizaki, Komiya, and Kondo.

A/n: Ishizaki, Komiya, and Kondo are all listed as names of Class D students on the wiki, so these are not to be confused with the Class C versions.

Officially 24 students were now vegetables. How tragic. I could almost shed a tear.

"Horikita," I addressed Horikita.

Horikita glanced over at me and said "you do know Kushida is still trying to talk to you, right?"

"Of course, I just have a question for you," I replied.

It would be more accurate to state that I have no interest in dealing with Kushida. Technically almost anyone but the vegetables would work. Actually, Koenji may not work either though...

"Fine, ask away."

Kushida was trying quite hard to prevent her smile from breaking.

"Were all the vegetables targets of Ryuen?" I asked.

"I suppose you did miss a lot of school. Yes, every single one of them was on the verge of expulsion. Somehow every single one of them has survived up to this point. I suppose X saved them all somehow."

"Ayanokoji, I could've answered that!" Kushida complained, trying to make light of my offense.

I ignored her and asked Horikita another question.

"All of the vegetables, have any of them been talking?"

"No, I haven't seen it. In fact, some of them have stopped showing up to clubs from what I've heard."

"I see..."

Kushida finally gave up and returned to her seat. It appears everything is as reported. Meaning that the next main target of Ryuen's should be Matsushita. At this point, Ryuen's aim was clear. He would probably throw in a few others to try and knock me off of his true aim, but that is irrelevant. The conclusion itself wasn't that difficult to reach, so I was surprised Ryuen was trying so desperately to conceal it.

The order of vegetabilized victims ever since his aim came into fruition followed Kikuchi, Shinohara, Ijuin, Makida, both Minamis, Azuma, Ishikura, Sato, Rino, Maezono, and most recently Ichihashi.

While the order itself is rather superfluous, the targets are what's most important. His initial targets were all related to the main group of boys. This was to cause dissent among gender and have Hirata stuck in the middle. However, then he began targeting the girls. The thing is, he has been solely targeting girls at this point. This meant he had a new goal. This goal involved destroying the girls, leaving Hirata lost, and the class truly in chaos. The strange thing is, he hasn't targeted one of the big two yet. Karuizawa or Kushida. If he wanted to cause the most damage, targeting one of them was the best choice. And since Ryuen's goal of destroying Class D was publicly stated by him, and it was clearly no lie either, this leads me to believe he is trying to isolate them first.

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