V1 - Chapter 5: Building Pressure

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A/n: Technology club won in the number of votes. Therefore, Ayanokoji will be joining the technology club. The club won't have a huge role until later in the story, so don't expect a lot this chapter.

The day after Horikita confronted me, I attempted to head to lunch like normal. However, a certain student confronted me.

"Ayanokoji, could I talk to you for a moment?" The buzzard said.

"Hm? Sure," I replied.

She smiled and stepped closer into my personal space. I promptly stepped back and she gave a surprised look, but quickly recovered and tried again. However, once more, I stepped back.

"Hehe," she laughed slightly and said "looks like you really don't like people in your personal space."

"You're right," I said, "now if you don't actually have anything to say, I'll be leaving."

"Ah, wait!" She quickly panicked at the prospect of me leaving. "I have a question for you, are you close with Horikita?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, I saw the two of you talking yesterday, and I was wondering if you were friends."

"We aren't."

"Ah," she seemed surprised by the quick denial.

"She just wanted to talk about something," I said.

"Still, that's impressive. Horikita never talks with anyone, so the fact that she talked to you is something."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah it is!"

"Well, if that's all, I'm leaving."


How much longer is she going to be keeping this up? This is starting to get annoying. She should just request what she wants immediately without all this build up.

I sighed and asked "what now?"

"Well..." she trailed off, but then willed herself to finally finish her sentence "I was wondering if you could help me become friends with Horikita?"

"Nope," I said and began walking off again.

Why is she so obsessed with Horikita? I shoved the question aside, what her interests were have no bearing on my current situation. I could tell she was upset, but I didn't care. She can complain all she wants. And with that I headed to lunch like the normal student I am.

* * *

After school I headed toward the technology club. Even if the risks were higher, the rewards would be greatly beneficial. When walking into the technology club, I saw that it had very few students. A senior, who I presume to be the club president, walked up to me and greeted me.

"Hello, I'm Nagase Totoya, the president of the technology club," Nagase said.\

Nagase had large bags under his eyes and a very skinny build. In fact, his skin was pale as a ghost. It looked as if he hadn't been outside in ages.

"I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, and I'm interested in this club," I gave a simple greeting.

Nagase looked surprised then smiled, "if that's the case, we could set you up in a few minutes."

Nagase went to a filing cabinet and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over.

"This is just general information that needs to be verified to join," he said. He pulled out another paper from the filing cabinet and handed it over saying "this is so we can gauge your general ability to know how to teach you."

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