V1 - Chapter 11: Nagumo vs 'X' Final Day

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"—! How are you today?" A smiling girl asked the boy.

The boy smiled and answered "I'm great! How about you?"

"Me too," she smiled.

"How are you guys so energetic?" The roommate asked.

"Because It's because I get to be with all my friends again, including you guys!" The girl answered.

"I swear, you're just like —"

"Hehe," the girl giggled with a smile and continued, "—, you need to be more energetic yourself."

"No thank you, that sounds exhausting."

"— is right, you should become more energetic," the boy said.

"—, not you too," the roommate groaned.

"Yes me too, you're so gloomy!" The boy said.

"It's called stoicism, —," the roommate said.

"I know what stoicism is! We learned that forever ago."

"Yeah, plus you're a mood killer at times too!" The girl added.

The roommate sighed, "why do I even hang out with you guys?"

"Hey!" The girl said, offended.

"That's not very nice..." the boy said, looking a little sad.

"Good," the roommate said.

The boy frowned and asked "moving on from —'s lack of enthusiasm, what are we doing today?"

"Aren't we moving onto string theory or something?" The roommate answered.

The girl groaned and said "that's so boring! Why can't we do something fun?"

"Like what?" The roommate asked.

"I don't know, what do people do for fun?" The girl asked.

The boy looked to be in thought and said "based on the books we've read they play stuff like sports or games."

"I don't want to play games, that just means we're playing with some cards or pieces! We do that every day anyway..."

"Why are you so against stuff like this?" The roommate asked the girl.

"Because we do basically the same thing every day, sometimes I want to experience something new!" The girl responded.

"Why not try to play that game called 'basketball?'" The boy suggested.

"How do you play that?"

"I don't know, I just know we have to use some special ball or something. —, go ask — sensei."

"Me? Why me?" The roommate asked.

"Because you're refusing to take our advice!" The boy answered.

The roommate groaned and walked over to the stolid man and began talking with him.

"Hey, —," the girl got the boy's attention.

"Hm? What is it?" The boy asked, curious.

"Well...you ever wonder why we do some of the things we do?"

"Like what?"

"Well...we seem to learn things with the most random names. Like what is Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture?"

"All I know is that it was a pretty easy problem," the boy said, uncertain.

"Yeah, but who is Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer? I've never seen them here or seen them in any books. That must mean they have to be somewhere outside of this place."

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