V1 - Chapter 6: Deal

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I came to class early like usual. Discussion regarding the most recent discussion board post circulated the classroom.

"Do you think Nagumo senpai will accept?" Ike asked.

"I mean, doesn't he kind of have to?" Miyamoto replied to Ike's question with another question.

"I mean, he doesn't have to. Nagumo senpai could sacrifice all of them," Ike replied.

"I don't think he would do that," Hirata joined in the conversation. Ike and Miyamoto only stared at Hirata as if he were an alien.

"What makes you say that?" Ike asked.

"Nagumo senpai is a very kind person," Hirata began, "I don't think he will let all those students get expelled."

Hirata said confidently. Despite his confidence, I could see a tiny sliver of worry in his eyes. For one reason or another, Hirata seemed worried about expulsions in the second year despite barely knowing them.

Yamauchi burst into the room and said "dude! This 'X' guy is fucking crazy! Imagine threatening to expel 29 students if Nagumo senpai doesn't face him in a direct confrontation. That's insanity!"

Hirata's eyes darkened for a brief moment before he recovered and said "'X' seems to have some sort of vendetta against the second years. He's already expelled three of them," Hirata said the last part in a voice quieter than his previous statement.

"Still, I wonder what this 'direct confrontation' means..." Ike said trailing off.

"Who knows, 'X' clearly has some sort of ego," Yamauchi said.

"What makes you say that?" Hirata asked.

Yamauchi gave a blatant disgusted look toward Hirata and answered saying "why else would they even bother making themselves as present as this? Plus he probably hasn't revealed himself because he looks ugly."

"I think that's your problem," Miyamoto said.

Yamauchi's expression turned to anger and said "at least I don't look like a fucking NPC."

"Fuck you too!" Miyamoto hissed.

Hirata had an awkward smile on his face and said "guys, let's not fight each other like this."

"Shut the fuck up pretty boy!" Yamauchi directed his anger toward Hirata.

Hirata only had an awkward smile. However, Hirata's harem then began to barrage Yamauchi.

"You're just jealous because you look like a monkey!"

"How dare you speak to Hirata that way!"

"You're a pervert, so your opinion is invalidated!"

And so they went on.

"Shut up! All of you simp over Hirata like he's God's gift to Earth!" Yamauchi yelled.

"Because he is!" Some random girl yelled back.

Hirata just stood around awkwardly and said "guys, c'mon, let's just calm down and move on."

"If Hirata says so." The girls accepted.

Yamauchi on the other hand said "no! Fuck you!"

Horikita walked into the classroom and stared at Yamauchi like he was a bug. She sat at her desk and looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You saw the discussion board post, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, everybody is talking about it."

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