V2 - Chapter 13: The Grand Reveals

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Naoe headed to the party. They were celebrating the success of the continuation of Project White Wings. What progress had been made? Naoe couldn't exactly answer with confidence. He only knew that the boss was going to be there.

Naoe entered the reception hall and was greeted by Kijima.

"Why hello Mr. Naoe, how are you this fine evening?" Kijima asked with a smile.

"Me? I'm doing fine, how about you, how are you doing?" Naoe asked.

"I'm doing fantastic, thank you for asking."

And so the two men began to speak about various things before a bell was heard from the top of the grand staircase. Chairman Sakayanagi was ringing a bell to catch everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone!" Chairman Sakayanagi captured everyone's attention through the aura he exuded. "I present to you, our leader."

Chairman Sakayanagi stepped aside and bowed to the person slowly walking to the top of the staircase. Then, the boss stood at the top, staring down on everyone. Everyone seemed to freeze from the presence. Some even averted their gazes from the intense pressure being exerted from the boss.

Then, the boss said "greetings. It is a fine evening, is it not? I would like to begin with a few words of thanks for the ANHS Chairman's ability to capture all your attention. Truly he is a man that deserves respect."

The boss went silent and surveilled the people below before saying "now, I wish not to harp on it too much, but I must make clear Koenji's recent failure."

Koenji, who was standing closer to the steps, hung his head in shame.

"Oh please, Koenji, please raise your head. You are not at fault."

"Huh?" Koenji was surprised.

"I'm saying you aren't at fault for the schedule mistake. You see...someone in this very room sabotaged you."

"What!? Preposterous! Who would do such a thing!?" Koenji looked around.

"Hush," the boss said with a calming voice.

Koenji, realizing his outburst, said "I apologize for my rudeness. I do hope you can forgive me."

"No need to apologize, you just found out you were betrayed by someone you trust. The shock is understandable."

"I thank you for your unending kindness," Koenji said and bowed before the boss.

The boss smiled softly and said "now, we need to move onto the traitor. This traitor didn't wish to harm you Koenji, rather they wished to harm me. After all, your failures reflect on me."

Several people muttered "that bastard!" "How could they betray the boss!?" "Are they stupid!?"

The boss held up a hand to quiet the crowd. Everyone hushed immediately.

"This person, I personally saw them as a dear friend. Someone I could always rely on, and now, I feel betrayed."

The boss had a hurt expression, garnering the sympathy of everyone in the room.

"But you see, I must expose this person before they cause more harm to my dear friends. You see, I first found out they may have held ill will when Tsukishiro reported them to me."


"Of course that man was able to figure out a traitor!"

"Hush, there is more. I gave the person an opportunity. I really did. I didn't want to believe they would betray me. I guess you could say that even I am foolish to do such a thing."

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