V1 - Chapter 9: Nagumo vs 'X' Day 3

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The day of competition began with Asahina pulling out a paper and reading "Mixed Martial Arts. Both competitors will participate in an MMA style match where they may use any techniques as long as they do not cause permanent damage or are lethal."

Nagumo smiled bitterly, "it appears I lost."

"What makes you say that?"

"From the description my men gave, it's clear that you are incredibly fast, pair that with my own observations and it's confirmed. Maybe Horikita senpai would beat you, but probably not me."

Horikita is good at martial arts? Interesting.

"Well, let's get it over with then."

We headed to an underground location and entered an MMA cage. The match started and I immediately closed the distance in the blink of an eye and slammed my fist straight into his solar plexus. Nagumo flew into the cage and fell on the ground struggling to breath. I then locked Nagumo into a Juji-Gatame and held him there for 10 seconds to get the match called.

Nagumo was breathing heavily after the short lived match, "holy shit! I thought I was going to die."

Asahina came over worried, and asked "Miyabi! Are you okay? That looked like it hurt real badly."

Nagumo gave a weak smile and said "yeah. Thanks for worrying about me, Nazuna."

Horikita walked over and said to me "that was quite impressive, which of the arts do you practice?"

"Should I include weapon styles too?" I asked.

"Sure, why not."

"I practice Aikido, Aikijutsu, American Kenpo, Angampora, Araki Ryu, Bagua Zhang, Bajutsu, Bakom, Bajiquan, Bando, Bartitsu-"

"I think you can stop," Horikita interrupted me, "how many do you know?"

"As far as I'm aware, all of them," I said, causing Horikita to widen his eyes. "But for a more specific number, I know 185 martial arts."

"How in the world? No, you must be exaggerating, that is simply impossible."

But I really do know them all...in fact I've mastered all 185 of them too. I looked at Kiriyama to see him glaring at me. I suppose his liking of me didn't matter because he would probably be expelled soon enough.

We waited a few more minutes for Nagumo to recover, then Kiriyama pulled out a piece of paper and read it aloud "Japanese Literature Contest. Each contestant will be asked questions about Japanese literature and will answer by pressing a buzzer. Whoever answers the most correctly after 20 questions will be the winner.

Nagumo and I stood staring at each other with a buzzer in front of us.

"First question: What was the satirical novel written by Natsume-"

I pressed the buzzer and said "I Am a Cat."


I remember reading I Am a Cat early on in my life. The purpose was to display the issues with previous Japanese periods, and this novel was chosen for the Meiji Period. The novel is told from the perspective of a nameless cat whose only skill is observing humans. Truly a fascinating read.

"Second question: What Japanese author committed suicide on November 25, 1970?"

I pressed the buzzer once after confirming the date of suicide and said "Yukio Mishima."


Yukio Mishima was an author that wrote often of beauty. He was also a very influential writer in Japanese literature with famous pieces like The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea and "Patriotism." He, like many other Japanese authors, were influenced by Yasunari Kawabata and Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Some consider Yukio Mishima to be a very polarizing individual because of his extreme beliefs. Despite this, many still respect him as an author.

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